園藝療法好處多 -英文補習


It's a commonly held belief that gardening can make you feel better. Now a nationwide charity has received a Lottery grant to test that theory. The organization THRIVE, specialises in horticultural therapy, and believes it can help thousands of people, ranging from those with disabilities, former prisoners, and the long-term unemployed. 人人都知道園藝能夠使人感覺更好。現在,一個全國性的慈善團體得到了彩票機構的資助以證明這個理論。名為"茁壯成長"的這個組織是從事園藝療法的專門機構,他們認為園藝療法有助于成千上萬的人,包括那些殘疾認、刑滿釋放人員以及長期失業者。

The therapeutic effects of gardening are already known to many, but why tilling the soil and planting flowers should make people feel so good, is still a bit of a mystery. If you look at that, that's quite unproductive, and it's going a bit black ... This group of ex-offenders and long-term unemployed may offer the first scientific evidence.園藝的治療效果是眾所周知的,但為什么刨刨地、種種花能夠讓人們感覺很好呢?這還是有點神秘的。你看那個,那是不結果實的,顏色會變得有點黑。這些有前科的人和長期失業者也許可以提供第一手的科學依據。

I think there's a natural affinity for people to, to land and soil, and to working the land. And I think that can be used as a form of therapy, and as, and for social inclusion. Tony was made redundant several years ago, and has been out of work since. He'd given up getting a job, until he started gardening. Err, it's given me lots of confidence and that, you know, to, err ... go out and do things, like. And in the end of this, I'm gonna, like, work for myself. 我想,人們對…,對土地和土壤,對種地有著天然的親和力。而且,我認為,這可以作為一種治療方式,作為……,起到社會的包容作用。Tony幾年前被公司裁掉了,-直處于失業狀態。他一直放棄找工作的打算,一直到他開始從事園藝活動。呃,它給了我很多信心,那種……,你知道的,呃,出去做事的信心。最終,我打算開始自己干點什么。 

It's also helped 19-year-old Stewart, who started getting into trouble at school and took to the streets. This is the first that's made a difference. It's outdoors, you know. It's nice. Keeps your mind free and quiet. There's nothing bothering your mind, or anything. And you can just have a good laugh with people and all that. 園藝還幫助了19歲的Stewart,他在學校里讀書時就開始不斷惹麻煩,并流連街頭。這是他所做的第一個不同的事情。這在戶外,你知道。這很好。讓人的思維自由而寧靜。沒有什么事情打擾你的思維,或是別的什么。你可以和人們高聲淡笑,等等。 

How gardening has this effect will be the focus of the study. The findings will improve existing projects, and enable many more people to feel the benefits. Getting people to do something constructive and creative, like gardening, gives them pride in what they're doing. It also helps with confidence, the ability to get on with each other in a team, and generally develop the skills they need for work. Jane O'Brien, BBC News.園藝為何具有這種效果將是這個研究的重點。其研究結果將促進現有研究項目的發展,并月能夠使更多的人受益。使人們做一些具有建設性和創造性的事情,比如園藝,可以讓人們對自己所做的事情感到自豪。它還可以激發人的信心,增強人們在團隊中融洽相處的能力,以及整體提高他們在工作中所需要的技能。Jane O'Brien,BBC新聞。 

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