第31期:"get" 的一些美語說法 -英文補習


1) Get real! 別傻了!- I think Bob and I are going to get married.- Get real! You met him 3 days ago!

2) Get lost! 走開!I don't wanna see you anymore! Get lost!

3) Get out of town!! 真的嗎??別唬我!Get out of town!! You met Lady Gaga! OMG! I'm so jealous!

4) Get a life! 開始過一個更為充實或更有趣的生活I wish Melissa would get a life! She's always studying. Who's gunna go dancing with me?

5) Get with it! 快點著手做某件該做的事Get with it! You have a huge exam tomorrow!

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    English Tutor

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