流浪者也應該踢足球 (雙語有聲) -英文補習





Pickup Soccer Helps Homeless Health

It sounds either really crazy, or kind of obvious. But according to new research, pick-up soccer could help homeless men avert the risk of an early death.聽起來這個事情實在是很瘋狂,卻有那么顯然。但是根據最新的研究隨意的足球運動可以幫助流浪人化解早期死亡危機。

Homeless people are known to have poor health and life expectancy, due to a variety of factors, including in large part cardiovascular disease. The homeless have high levels of hypertension and are more likely to be addicted to smoking, alcohol and other drugs. They also don’t spend much time in high-intensity physical exercise. Gyms, even when free, haven’t proven to be appealing.眾所周知流浪者的健康和壽命的情況不容樂觀。這些有很多原因導致,如大量的心血管疾病。這些無家可歸的人大部分都有嚴重的高血壓,這與他們的煙癮,酗酒和濫用藥物有關。同時,他們也不會再高強度的體力運動上面花時間。即使他們有時間,也不會想到要去健身房。

So researchers recruited 55 homeless men living in Copenhagen to join in the soccer study. Half were assigned pick-up games, two or three times a week, for 12 weeks. And half served as the control. The scientists measured the men’s body composition, blood lipid profile, blood pressure and maximal oxygen uptake before and after.因此,研究者招募了55名在哥本哈根流浪者參與足球實驗。一半的受試者被要求參加簡易的足球運動,約2-3次每星期。這個過程持續12周。另外的人被分到了對照組。科學家測量數據來評價這些參與者在實驗前后的身體狀況,如血脂,血壓,和最大供氧量。

Those who played soccer reduced their body fat and LDL cholesterol. Perhaps most significantly, their maximal oxygen uptake increased 11 percent. The study is in the European Journal of Applied Physiology.那些參與足球運動的人試驗后,體內的脂肪和低密度脂蛋白膽固醇含量明顯下降。也許最重要的一點是,他們的最大供氧量提高了11%。這些研究發表在了《歐洲應用生理學》雜志上

Previous studies suggest that such an oxygen increase can greatly lower the risk of death. That’s a game with a win-win outcome.之前有研究提到,最大供氧量提高可以減少死亡幾率。這是一個雙贏的游戲。



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