音樂新鮮聽:年輕無極限《Forever Young》 -英文補習 |
英樂 音域寬廣,歌詞真摯動人。是Alphaville最為有名的歌曲。成熟憂郁的男聲,極富感傷、極致夢幻華麗、甚至帶有幾絲頹廢色彩的電子樂。歌曲唱出年輕人的心聲:年輕就是資本,年輕代表活力,因為年輕,所以我們可以挑戰、放肆、蔑視傳統;因為年輕,寧愿轟轟烈烈的死去,也不愿平淡的老死…… 歌曲: forever young歌手: Alphaville Let's dance in style 讓我們跳個最流行的舞 Let's dance for a while 讓我們盡情舞蹈 Heaven can wait 讓天堂會為我們等候 We're only watching the skies 我們只需仰望天空 Hoping for the best but expecting the worst 我們保持樂觀的態度但預料最壞的結果 Are you going to drop the bomb or not 你是否覺得自己會不會就像定時炸彈隨時爆炸 Let us die young or let us live forever 讓我們年輕時死去或者永生 We don't have the power but we never say never 我們沒有力量但永不放棄 Sitting in a sandpit 坐在沙坑上 Life is a short trip 生命就像一次短暫的旅行 The music is for the sad men 音樂是屬于悲傷的人們 Can you imagine when this race is won 你能否想像這場賽跑勝利的時候 Turn our golden faces into the sun 將我們金色的面孔面向太陽 Praising our leaders 我們歌頌領導者 We're getting in tune 我們和諧的歌唱著 The music is played by the mad men 音樂由瘋狂的人們演奏 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever 永遠 and ever 永遠 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever young 永遠年輕 Some are like water some are like the heat 有些人似水般柔情,有些人如火般熱情 Some are a melody and some are the beat 有些人如旋律般悠揚,有些人像節奏般規距 Sooner or later they all will be gone 遲早他們都會離去 Why don't they stay young? 為什么他們不能永遠年輕呢 It's so hard to get old without a cause 沒有理由的老去是很難以接受的 I don't want to perish like a fading horse 我不想像衰老的馬般死去 Youth is like diamonds in the sun 青春就像陽光下的鉆石般璀璨 And diamonds are forever 而鉆石是永恒的 So many adventures couldn't happen today 有很多冒險無法經歷 So many songs we forgot to play 有很多歌曲已被我們遺忘 So many dreams swinging out of the blue 許多夢想在蔚藍的天空之下迸發 We'll let them come true 我們會讓它們成真 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever 永遠 and ever 永遠 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever 永遠 and ever 永遠 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever 永遠 and ever 永遠 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever young 永遠年輕 I want to be forever young 我想永遠年輕 Do you really want to live forever 你是否真的希望永遠年輕 Forever young 永遠年輕 |
- Feb 07 Tue 2012 12:07
音樂新鮮聽:年輕無極限《Forever Young》_英文補習