閨女一句話 老爹受刺激猛減57公斤 -英文補習 |
A doting father lost 9st in just six months after being shamed into dieting when he became too fat to play with his young daughter.一位溺愛女兒的父親在半年內猛減9英石,原因是他過胖而不能和閨女玩耍,這刺激他控制食欲。 Morbidly-obese Chris Willis, 47, tipped the scales at 27st 7lbs following a lifetime of fry-ups, takeaways and pork pies.患有病態肥胖癥的克里斯·威利斯今年47歲,從小到大都非常愛吃煎炸食品、外賣食品和豬肉餡餅,而他的體重也曾經達到172公斤。 The painter and decorator had to take long pauses just to climb the stairs or walk more than a few yards. He also carried an inhaler to treat his obesity-induced asthma.克里斯的職業是油漆工兼裝修人員,他在爬長樓梯或是走多幾碼路后,就不得不停下一段時間喘口氣。為了治療因肥胖誘發性哮喘,克里斯也得隨身戴上一個吸氧機,以備不時之需。 But overweight Chris turned to dieting when he realised he was too fat to play with his ten-year-old daughter, Sophie, who had a passion for running.克里斯的10歲小女兒蘇菲亞非常熱愛跑步,當他意識到因為肥胖超重而不能和女兒玩耍時,他決心要減肥。 The determined dad-of-one cut out all the fatty foods he had binged on, and began exercising. He now weights 16st 7lbs after losing a stone-and-a-half every month since July.慈父克里斯終于下定決心,堅決不吃所有最愛的肥胖食品,并開始鍛煉身體。自7月起,他每月能減掉10公斤,現在的他體重減至105公斤。 Chris, who lives in Shepreth, Cambridgeshire, with his wife Jackie, 51, a coach driver, said: 'The hardest thing was seeing my little girl in the garden and not being able to join in because I was so unhealthy.克里斯和妻子杰琪住在劍橋鎮的Shepreth,妻子杰琪今年51歲,是一名長途汽車司機。克里斯說道:“最痛苦的事,莫過于看到自己的閨女在院子里飛奔,而我卻因肥胖而不能和她一起運動。” 'But now I am making up for lost time - we do so much together and it is just great. A few months ago when I started getting active again I remember chasing my daughter around the garden.“但是,現在我可以彌補過去的時間了—我和女兒一起運動,一起玩樂,這樣的感覺實在太好了。在幾個月前,那時我又開始運動起來,記得當時我想在院子里追著和女兒玩。” 'When she suddenly turned around with an amazed look on her face and said, "Daddy, I didn’t know you could run".'“突然,她轉過身來,一臉驚訝地說道‘爸爸,我覺得你不能跑吧’。” 正是這句話刺激了克里斯下決心減肥。
Delighted Sophie said: 'I’m so proud of my dad. It’s brilliant being able to run around and play with him.'蘇菲亞對父親的減肥事業表示很開心,她說道:“我為爸爸感到驕傲。能和爸爸一起跑步和玩耍實在是太好了。” Chris used to tuck into an incredible 5,000 calories a day, before he swtiched to a healthy lifestyle. On average he would eat five slices of buttered toast for breakfast before a full English breakfast as a mid morning meal.在以前那段肥胖的日子里,克里斯每天能攝入5000卡路里,食量讓人目瞪口呆。肥胖時的每天,在進食全套英式早餐前,他還要吃掉5塊奶油面包作為早餐前的甜點。 He would then eat a sandwich, a large pack of crisps and a pasty for lunch before chomping on a whole packet of biscuits in the afternoon. For dinner Chris would demolish a curry, ice cream, and sink four pints of beer, before grazing on fatty snacks all evening.之后,他會吃掉一塊三明治、一大堆薯片和一碗糊粥作為午餐,小息后還會吃去一大包餅干。晚餐時間,克里斯能吞咽掉一碟咖喱和雪糕,喝下4品脫啤酒,之后一個晚上都會不停地吃脂肪零食。 Amazingly Chris claims he still eats the same amount - but has simply cut out the unhealthy fatty foods.驚訝的是,克里斯聲稱自己吃得份量與之前差不多,但在食譜中已經去掉不健康的肥胖食品。 Chris said: 'At 13, I was 18-and-a-half-stone and I remember a teacher pointing this out to the whole school. From then on I was picked on and bullied. My weight went up and up. But I now have a new found freedom.克里斯說:“13歲那年,我的體重達到118公斤,我記得當時老師還向全校同學公布了我的體重。自那以后,我總被人欺負作弄,我的體重也越來越重。然而,現在我擁有一個新發現的自由。” 'My family and friends have been so supportive and my wife and daughter are so pleased for me. In fact it’s them I did it for more than anyone else. The whole journey has been amazing and I am still shocked myself that I have managed to lose so much weight.'“我的家人和朋友在我的減肥事業上非常支持我,我的妻子和女兒還因此非常高興。說實話,我就是為了家人而減肥。整個減肥之旅很令人驚訝,我現在還被當時的自己所震驚:我竟然減掉了這么多體重。” Chris is now aiming for a new target weight of 15st.現在,克里斯又有了新的體重目標:96公斤。 查看更多英語翻譯學習網站相關文章,就到英語翻譯學習網站分站吧>> |
- Feb 21 Tue 2012 12:25
閨女一句話 老爹受刺激猛減57公斤_英文補習