劍7Test3聽力Section4解析 -英文補習


SECTION 4——場景背景介紹:


本節必背詞匯、詞組hospitality n. 殷勤的款待 dispense with 省卻,免除disorient v. 使迷失方向;使神智迷亂 maximize v. 使最大化dispirit v. 使氣餒,使沮喪 sleek adj. 雅致的;時髦的;豪華的opulent adj. 富裕的;豐富的,豐饒的 underpin v. 加強……的基礎;[喻]支持,鞏固contemporary adj. 當代的external adj. 外面的 hotelier n. 旅館老板investigate v. 調查 predictability n. 可預測性chic n. / adj. 漂亮;瀟灑;時髦 indulge v. 使沉迷;使滿足;縱容pamper v. 縱容,嬌養boutique n. 精品店;鑲嵌珠寶的日用品 spoil v. 溺愛treat v. 對待;款待n. 款待;難得的樂事mansion n. 大廈luxury n. 奢侈 miniscule adj. 很小的


lease n. 租約 quilt n. 被子furniture n. 家具 pillow n. 枕頭stereo n. 立體音響裝置 sheet n. 床單fridge n. 電冰箱 towel n. 毛巾radiator n. 暖氣 bed-linen n. 床單及枕套microwave stove 微波爐 closet n. 壁櫥


l. Last week I looked at the economy end of the hotel business; this week I'm going to discuss the luxury end of the market.

2. You wake up in the middle of the night in a strange hotel miles away from home, disoriented most probably from jet lag, when even the most expensive surroundings can seem empty and dispiriting.

3. Do these findings, however, apply only to hotels situated in particular areas?

4. However, nothing stands still in the world.

5. Those in the business industry maintain that these serviced apartments dispense with all the unwanted and expensive hotel services that business travellers don't want, while maximising the facilities they do want.

6. The attractions of such facilities are obvious and it'll be interesting to see whether the company manages to establish a trend all over the world and make a lasting impact on the luxury accommodation market.

7. Now, finally I want to consider the psychology underpinning the traditional holiday hotel industry.

8. Secondly, there is something very powerful in our need to be pampered and looked after, it's almost as if we return to being a baby, when everything was done for us and we felt safe and secure.



31. 原文“You wake up in the middle of the night in a strange hotel miles away from home, disoriented most probably from jet lag, when even the most expensive surroundings can seem empty and dispiriting. ”中的“seem”與題干中的“might”意義相近。原文中的“dispiriting”與B選項中的“depressed”也是同義詞。

32. 原文“...the research suggests that even the most opulent, luxurious hotels seem to have underestimated the most basic needs of their customers... the need to feel at home in surroundings which are both familiar and inviting. ”中的后半部分與B選項表述的意思相似。題干中的“need”出現在了原文中,這對定位答案很有幫助。

33. 原文“...the company's research covered a whole range of different hotel types, both independent hotels and those which are part of large chains. ”中的“research”與題干中的“research”重疊,比較容易定位。原文的“whole range of”與A選項“wide variety of”的同義詞關系也很明顯。

34. 原文“...and the research concluded that what was outside the hotel building simply didn't matter. ”中說“旅館的外部并不重要”,所以本題選擇C。


35. 原文“... all the unwanted and expensive hotel services that business travellers don't want, while maximising the facilities they do want. ”中的“service”與題干中的“cater”是同義詞關系。另外,該題的難點在于如果用“traveller”定位的話,就會先聽到答案,然后才會聽到定位詞,答案容易被忽略。

36. 原文“...for example, not only sleeping and living accommodation, but also a sleek modem kitchen”中的“sleek”沒有直接出現在題干中,而是以同義詞“stylish”的形式出現,增加了難度。37. 原文“The attractions of such facilities are obvious and it'll be interesting to see whether the company manages to establish a trend all over the world and make a lasting impact on the luxury accommodation market. ”中直接給出了答案。“all over”與題干中的“throughout”是同義詞。答案“world”是大家比較熟悉的單詞,所以很簡單。另外要注意的是:35、36、37題在原文中位置接近,信息比較密集,需集中注意力進行聽寫。

38. 該題目比較難。原文“Firstly, hotels exploit people's need to escape the predictability of their everyday lives. ”與題干前后都不一樣,如果不能迅速弄清句子結構,就難以馬上找到答案。如果考生能預測到答案是動詞,定位會相對簡單一些。

. 原文“...it's almost as if we return to being a baby”中的“as if”與題干中的“like”是同義詞。該題不是很難。

40. 原文“...give little treats... like the miniscule bottles of shampoo and tiny bars of soap, the chocolate on your pillow at night...”中“shampoo and tiny bars of soap”與題干中的“cosmetics”是同義詞。該題目需要捕捉的是一個比較簡單的并列信息,難度不大。 


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