2012年考研英語背景:誰是Jimmy Hoffa? -英文補習


閱讀題目原文:If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, he would probably represent civil servant.


Hoffa was involved with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union as an organizer from 1932 to 1975. He served as the union's General President from 1958 to 1971. He secured the first national agreement for teamsters' rates in 1964, and played a major role in the growth and development of the union, which eventually became the largest single union in the United States, with over 1.5 million members during his terms as its leader.Hoffa是國際卡車司機協會從1932年到1975年的領導人。他在協會中從1958年到1971年任職主席職位。在1964年,他在協會中成功捍衛了卡車司機在國家定稅中的利益,并且在協會的逐漸發展壯大中扮演主要角色,國際卡車司機協會最終發展成了全美最大的工會,在Hoffa擔任主席期間擁有150萬會員。Hoffa, who had been convicted of jury tampering, attempted bribery, and fraud in 1964, was imprisoned in 1967, sentenced to 13 years, after exhausting the appeal process. It was not until mid-1971 that he officially resigned the Teamsters' presidency, an action that was part of a pardon agreement with U.S. president Richard Nixon, in order to facilitate his release later that year. Nixon blocked Hoffa from union activities until 1980; Hoffa was attempting to overturn this order and to regain support.在經過了多次上訴之后,Hoffa追中由于藐視法庭,詐騙和行賄罪被判刑13年,并于1967年入獄。為了交換尼克松總統對他的特赦,提前自己的出獄時間,Hoffa在1971年辭去了工會的職位。尼克松同時也禁止了Hoffa在1980年以前參加任何工會活動;在此過程中Hoffa一直希望可以推翻這個命令重新獲得支持。


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