面試第一步:你會電話面試嗎? -英文補習


Most companies use telephone interviews as part of their recruitment process to whittle down a pile of CVs into a manageable interview shortlist. But many candidates fluff the opportunity to create a good impression and secure a face-to-face meeting.很多公司都會在面試流程中安排電話面試的環節,以此來篩選掉堆積如山的簡歷,確定最后可以進入面試的候選人。但是,很多求職者對此不夠重視,沒有在電話面試中給面試官留下好印象從而失去了直接面試的機會。

Many applicants fail to take telephone interviews seriously, and risk losing out as a result, according to a recent survey. Recruiters reported candidates eating, driving, bathing, breastfeeding, dogwalking and even going to the loo during telephone interviews.根據一份最新的調查研究顯示,很多求職者都對電話面試不以為然,從而失去了機會。招聘單位反映,有的求職者會一邊在進行電話面試一邊在做其他事情,比如吃飯、開車、泡澡、哺乳、遛狗,甚至上廁所。

Recruiters also bemoaned the use of slang and street talk: calling your interviewer ‘mate' or finishing sentences with ‘innit' is not a winning strategy.招聘人還建議求職者在電話面試中要用語正式,不要用俚語或街頭流行語:比如把面試官叫做“哥兒們/姐兒們”,或者講完話就隨口問道“是不?”,這些做法都無法在電話面試中過關。

Here are my top tips on performing strongly during telephone interviews.想要在電話面試中表現出色,以下有一些好建議:


1.Prepare yourself for the call as you would for a face-to-face interview.你怎么準備“面對面”面試的,就怎么準備電話面試。

2.Choose a quiet place to take the call, with no risk of interruption or background noise.找一個安靜的地方接受電話面試,確保不會被打斷,也不要有背景雜音。

3.Pay as much attention to listening as to speaking.聽清楚問題和好好回答問題一樣重要。

4.Call from a landline to minimise the chance of interference or lost connection.用固定電話進行電話面試,以避免發生信號中斷或信號干擾。

5.Take things slowly –there is no need to rush.慢慢來,沒有什么事需要你急著去做的。


1.Do something else while talking on the phone –give the call your full attention.邊打電話邊做其他事情——你應該專心致志地進行電話面試。

2.Fail to take the interview seriously –it's your opportunity to make a good impression.不把電話面試當回事 ——這是你給招聘人留下好印象的機會。

3.Forget to listen and respond to the interviewer's questions.忘記認真聆聽提問,也不記得回答面試官的問題。

4.Portray a poor telephone manner –remember, you are trying to impress.不注重電話禮儀——記住,你要想著給面試官留下好印象。

5.Exhibit a lack of enthusiasm –the interviewer expects to hear that you want this job.表現出興趣缺缺的樣子——面試官希望聽到的是,你非常渴望這份工作。


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