倫敦市長揭幕女王登基60周年豪華游船慶典 -英文補習


It will be, we are confidently promised, the greatest show the Thames has ever seen and perhaps even outshine the Olympics.我們確信,女王登基60周年鉆石慶典將會是泰晤士河上有史以來最豪華的慶典,其隆重程度將更勝奧運會。

The Diamond Jubilee river pageant will feature 1,000 boats, 20,000 eager participants and millions of cheering spectators.女王登基60周年游船活動將由一千艘游船護航,兩萬名各界人士參與,數以百萬計的游客為之歡呼。


Details of the spectacular event on June 3 were released yesterday, prompting London Mayor Boris Johnson to predict a ‘glorious’ spectacle which would ‘perhaps be more exciting than the Olympics themselves’.昨天,倫敦市長鮑里斯-約翰遜公布了將在6月3日舉行的盛大慶典活動的細節,并預測該盛典將會炫麗奪目,比奧運會更勝一籌。

Pageant Master Adrian Evans spoke of ‘a once-in-a-lifetime event, one that will reclaim the Thames as a royal route’.慶典總策劃亞德里安-埃文斯盛贊道,“這會是千載難逢的一次盛典,向人們展示泰晤士河作為皇室御用航道的風采。”


Original plans saw the Queen travel down the Thames upon Gloriana, the Royal Rowbarge, but security and health and safety issues proved too complex. Instead, the Queen, Prince Philip and other members of the Royal Family will take part in the pageant aboard a modern Thames cruiser called Spirit of Chartwell, which is being converted into a barge for the day.原計劃女王將會乘坐豪華游船“王室之舟”游覽泰晤士河。但出于安全和健康原因考慮,女王、菲利普親王以及其他王室成員將改乘另一艘被改裝成平底船的現代游船“查特維爾精神”號,出席慶典活動。


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