一切都會慢慢好起來:Lindsey Ray《Better Off》 -英文補習




一切都會better off……

一起來欣賞這首Lindsey Ray的《Better Off》吧!


Lindsey Ray:她沒有布蘭妮那樣華麗的聲線,也沒有Lenka那樣懶散的氣息,雖然不像Taylor Swift那么出名,但是她的干凈的聲音,讓生活在都市里的人們,可以獲得一絲愉悅的舒適.有多久沒有遠離城市的喧鬧,有多久置身于燈紅酒綠之 中.Lindsey的歌,毫無疑問讓我們認識到什么叫最純粹的音樂。她來自來自貝爾法斯特的沿海小鎮,緬因州,生來具有的音樂感來自她的母親和父親雙方的 家庭。在緬因州回家的時候,她就開始演唱和演奏的鑰匙在本地樂隊,很快就被介紹給戴維·約翰遜,他是一位退休的生產者從費城。戴夫立即認出Lindsey 的才華和潛能。他鼓勵她最后以一蹦一跳,寫自己的歌曲。2010年8月Lindsey Ray獻上了她的第一張專輯《Goodbye From California》。 


And so the question now you chose to ask"Will it be better where we're going?"And though the answer I don't know for factStill my heart is saying "Oh yes"

La dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe'll be better offLa dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe'll be better off with the stars

And so the day may bring a bed of nailsAnd the night may whisper lonelinessBut in the end we all just leave a stageWith one final curtain calling

La dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe'll be better offLa dadadada dadadaLa dadadada dadadaBetter offWe'll be better off with the start

Bum bum bum bum bum badum badumBum bum bum bum bum badum badumBum bum bum bum bum badum badumBum bum bum bum bum badum badum

And so the question now you chose to ask"Will it be better where we're going?"And though the answer I don't know for factStill my heart is saying "Oh yes" 

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    English Tutor

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