少點用具,多點樂趣 -英文補習

【TED】是一個會議的名稱,它是英文technology,entertainment, design三個單詞的首字母縮寫。它是社會各界精英交流的盛會,這里有當代最杰出的思想家,這里有當代最優秀的科學家,這里有迸發著最閃耀的思想火花,這里孕育著最光輝的夢想。注:視頻與音頻有出入,聽寫以音頻為準。【本節目每天下午2點更新,歡迎訂閱。】【全文聽寫】 Hints:ruthlesslyarteriesextraneousinflowmantradigitizedmultifunctionalSo how can you live little? Three main approaches. First of all, to edit ruthlessly. We've got to clear the arteries of our lives. That shirt that I hadn't worn in years? It's time for me to let it go. We've got to cut the extraneous out of our lives, and we've got to learn to stem inflow. We need to think before we buy. Ask ourselves, "Is that really going to make me happier? Truly?" By all means, we should buy and own some great stuff. But we want stuff that we're going to love for years, not just stuff.Secondly, our new mantra: small is sexy. We want space efficiency. We want things that are designed for how they're used the vast majority of the time, not that rare event. Why have a six burner stove when you rarely use three? So we want things that nest, we want things that stack, and we want it digitized. You can take paperwork, books, movies, and you can make it disappear. It's magic.Finally, we want multifunctional spaces and housewares -- a sink combined with a toilet, a dining table becomes a bed.那我們怎樣才能活得精簡呢?有三個辦法。第一,你必須鐵面無情地去開始精簡工作,就像去除掉我們身上的動脈瘤一樣毫不留情。比如那件我好幾年都沒穿過的T恤。是時候讓它去了。我們得把生活中無關緊要的細枝末節修剪掉,并且學會逆潮流而動。我們應該三思而后消費。買東西之前問問自己:“買了它我真的能更加開心嗎?”誠然我們應該購買并擁有一些很棒的東西,但我們更需要那些我們對它的喜愛經久不衰的東西,而不僅僅是任何物品。第二,也是我們的新口號:小也有魅力。我們想要高空間利用率。我們想要的用具應該是依據多數情形下使用來設計的,而不是專為少數情形而設計的。例如,一般你連三個灶頭都很少同時使用,為什么要去買六灶頭的燃氣灶?我們需要的器具應該能夠大的套小的,或者能夠層疊放置的。如果一樣東西能數字化,那就更好。那樣你可以把所有文件書籍、電影等等都化為無形,就像變戲法一樣。最后,我們需要多功能的空間利用與多功能家具,比如一體化的水斗和坐便器餐、桌與床的兩用。這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
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