生活大爆炸100集紀念版-回顧10大經典鏡頭 -英文補習


Before we can celebrate The Big Bang Theory's momentous 100th episode, I gotta give him credit for sticking with it. Let's take a look back at our top ten favorite moments of the first 99.在生活大爆炸即將迎來其百集之際,我得表揚他的堅持精神。讓我們來共同回顧一下前99集中觀眾最喜愛的10個瞬間。

And that's how it's gone. And in honor of the guy's love of sci-fi, we’ll be showing off our Klingon language skills. Klingon: Now, let the show begin.What do you think about that? Emm, maybe I like it.贏得就這么輕松。為表達對這群科幻愛好者的敬意,我們將用克林貢語來進行播報。克林貢語: 十佳瞬間,放映開始。你覺得怎么樣? 嗯,也許正合我意。

You are my heart, my universe. 你是我的心肝,我的全部。

Oh, no. Oh, no. Make way for the fastest man alive .Oh ,no! 噢不! 噢,不! 閃電的速度 閃電俠來也! 噢不!

Newton realized that Aristotle was wrong and force was not necessary to maintain motion, so we can see that ma=mg, and what do we know from this? We know that Newton was a really smart cookie. Oh, is that where Fig Newtons come from?牛頓意識到亞里士多德是錯誤的,力并非維持物體運動的必要因素,所以我們看質量乘以加速度,曾為質量,乘以重力加速度,我們可以從中得知? 我們得知...牛頓真是個天才.噢,是不是牛頓打滾從此而來呀?

We meet again. Oh, ravish me, Howard. Ok, if you insist. Howard ,have you seen my girdle? Maybe it committed suicide Leave me alone .Where were we? I believe you're about to rip off my uniform with your teeth. Berandette , what are you doing here? You are still hung up on me. No, I’m not. Clearly you are. I'm a little confused here. Oh my, can I help? 我們又見面了。喔,盡情蹂躪我吧,Howard.。那我恭敬不如從命咯。 Howard,你看到我的收腹內衣沒? 它可能因鴨梨山大自殺了。別管它,咱剛到哪兒了? 你正要用牙把我的制服撕開呢。Bernadette,你怎么會在這兒? 你還對我有留戀。才沒有呢。顯然有啊。等下,我都有點暈了。是嗎 需要我幫忙嗎?

Penny, Penny, Penny. Sheldon. What's up, buttercup? What's the word, hummingbird .What's the gist, physicist? All my friends .Who do we love, Penny. Hello Sheldon, come on in.Penny. Penny! Penny? -Sheldon? 咋了,毛茛? 想說啥,蜂鳥? 又咋了,物理學家? 我的朋友們? -我們都愛誰? -Penny. 你好啊Sheldon,進來吧。

Damn it .I slipped. Too bad .You know the rules of Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Chance. 我去,腳滑了。認了吧,你也知道玩秘密特工穿越激光障礙棋的規則。

Sheldon, you are the most shallow, self-centered person I have ever met. Do you really think that another transparently manipu...Oh, it's a tiara, a tiara. I have a tiara. Put it on me. Put it on me .Put it on me...You look beautiful! Of course I do. I'm a princess and this is my tiara.Sheldon,你是我這輩子目前見過的最庸俗最自私自利的人。你還真以為另一種更明顯的手段...喔!!! 是個公主頭冠! 公主頭冠 我有公主頭冠啦! 快給我戴上,快給我戴上,快給我戴上,快給我戴上. 你戴上很漂亮呀! 那當然,我是公主嘛,戴著頭冠的公主!

Can you tell I'm perspiring a little? The dark cresent shape patterns under you arms conceal it nicely. There's no reason we couldn't go to the restaurant and have a lovely dinner. Maybe there's a pause .We both know what's happening. I lean in, we kiss. It's a little tentative at first, but she is biting my lower lip. You know, she wants me. This thing is going to distance .We are gonna have sex. Oh,God. Oh, my God! Is the sex starting now?你能看出我有點出汗嗎? 你腋下深色的新月狀圖案將其隱藏的很好。我們沒有任何理由沒法下館子去,好好享受一頓晚餐。也許會稍停片刻,但我們都知道接下來要發生什么。我傾身向前,兩人擁吻,開始時還有點欲迎還拒,但她接著就輕咬我的下唇,她對我欲罷不能。就這樣一直纏綿,欲行云雨之事。天啊上帝啊!現在就開始行房事了?

What ya doing ? Couldn't visualize it needed bigger carbon atoms. If you don't come out of there , I'm gonna have to drag you out. You can try ,but you'll never catch me. For God's sakes, Sheldon, come here. Bazinga.你在干嗎? 之前的碳原子模擬物太小,使我無法將分子具象化。你要是不出來,別怪我把你拖出來。你試試啊~ 但你永遠都抓不到我。額滴個神啊! Sheldon給我過來! -我閃!

And our NO.1 all time favorite moment is * please. Oh, a napkin. Turn it over. To Sheldon: live long and prosper Leonard Nemoy. Sorry, the napkin is dirty. He wiped his mouth with it. I possess the DNA of Leonard Nemoy. I can grow my own Leonard Nemoy. Here. Leonard, look, Sheldon is hugging me. It's a Saturnalia miracle. 接下來的就是觀眾最喜愛的十大瞬間第一名.喔,是個餐巾.。翻過來看看。致 Sheldon :生生不息 ,繁榮昌盛.。倫納德•尼莫伊 贈。不好意思餐巾有點臟. 他之前用它擦了擦嘴。我擁有倫納德的DNA了? 我可以培育屬于我的倫納德了! 這樣 -Leonard 快看! Sheldon在抱我呢! 這是農神節的奇跡呀.

Now, have a sneak peek at the 100th episode. 現在讓我們去瞅瞅慶賀百集的現場吧.

Excuse me , Penny , do you have plans for dinner tonight? What, you guys going somewhere? No, I mean just you and me. Like a date?打擾了Penny。你今晚想出去吃飯嗎? 什么,你們哥幾個想出去? 不跟他們,我是說,就我跟你。像是約會?

It's the 100th episode so I think there was a little pressure to do something big and exciting. Of course there are a few surprises. Oh ,no, they sent the wrong Spock. It's something a bit different than we've done before and it's exciting. Because of this twist there're layers to this episode, I think this will be one of my favorite ones. This is one of the few times I've ever been interviewed where I literally I can't talk about something, because I do know things that I can't tell you. Catch The Big Bang Theory's 100th episode Thursday 8/7c on the CBS.眼看都百集了,對我來說也有點干一番激動人心的大事業的小壓力了。自然會有不少驚喜。不是吧,居然送錯了。這不是我要的史波克。這與之前的劇集會有些許不同而且令人激動。因為這個小插曲,這集相當的有看點,而且會成為我最愛的一集。我一般訪談時都實話實說,但這次我不能說,因為這些東西我真的不能告訴你。生活大爆炸第100集于CBS周四東部時間8點中部時間7點 歡迎屆時收看。


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