只要五招 讓你的旅行更有意義 -英文補習


Few know more about the art of travel than acclaimed writers Paul Theroux and Pico Iyer, who have a combined six decades of experience chronicling their adventures around the world.說到“旅行的藝術”,大概沒有誰比廣受歡迎的作家Paul Theroux和Pico Iyer對此了解更多——他們環游世界、四處旅行的時間加在一起有60年。

Theroux and Iyer give NPR's Neal Conan a list of things they do to make travel meaningful and how they go about being a traveler rather than a tourist.Theroux和Iyer為NPR記者Neal Conan列出了幾項他們認為可以使旅行更有意義的行動,以及他們如何讓自己成為“旅行者”,而不僅僅是“觀光客”。

1. Pick a destination that raises more questions than answers. 1.找一個能讓你收獲更多問題而不是答案的目的地。

When I travel," Iyer says, "I want to be moved and I want to be transported and I want to be sent back a different person." Visiting places like Ryoanji in Japan, he says, inspires questions that reverberate long after you leave. "There's something in it that is always elusive ... that keeps bringing you back, again and again."Iyer說:“當我旅行的時候,我想要移動,我想要乘著各種交通工具出行,我想要我回來的時候能夠成為一個不同的人。”去日本龍安寺這樣的地方旅行,會激起一些問題,它們即使在你離開后也久久回蕩在你腦海中。“這里面有一些難以言表的東西……它們讓你一再重回故地。”

2. Leave the technology at home.2.把高科技產品留在家里。

"The more the world moves toward movement and acceleration and data, the more something in us cries out for silence and stillness and spaciousness," Iyer says. Iyer has visited monasteries for the past 20 years just to escape his phone and laptop, and he says he has found it liberating and even luxurious.Iyer說: “世界越向著移動、快速、數據化發展,我們卻越渴望無聲、平靜和空曠的感覺。”過去20年間,Iyer常常去修道院旅行,就是為了逃避手機和筆記本電腦,而他發現這是一種自我解放,甚至是一件奢侈的事情。

3. Rely on yourself.3.自力更生。

Self-sufficiency can be one of the best parts of travel, Theroux says. He says walking, looking for water, and just experiencing the simplicity and primitivism of life can lead you to a destination you end up truly loving.Theroux認為,“自力更生”可能是一次旅行中最美好的經歷。行走、看山看水,或者僅僅享受生活的簡單和自然,都能讓你最終到達你會真正愛上的目的地。

4. Visit a charismatic place, not a pleasant place. 4.去有魅力的地方,不要去令人愉悅的地方。

"I would never call Jerusalem beautiful or comfortable or consoling," Iyer says. "But there's something about it that you can't turn away from." Similarly, he says, sitting in a very simple place like a Californian monastery in the midst of a storm takes you back to an essential, almost primal sense of fear or isolation — yet another part of the beauty of the experience.Iyer說:“我永遠不會說耶路撒冷‘美麗’或‘舒適’或‘給人以安慰’,但它就是有一種魅力,讓你無法轉身離開。”同樣,在風暴中,坐在像加利福尼亞修道院一樣簡單的建筑里,會帶給你一種最本質、最原始的恐懼或孤寂感——但這種感覺也是這段經歷中富有魅力的部分。

5. Just go! 5.出發吧!

"I still feel that ours is the only developed country in the world that's not full of travelers," Iyer says. Whenever you take yourself to some magical space abroad, he says, you see people of many nationalities, but few Americans. Take the time and trouble, he advises, to seek out the new places.Iyer說:“我仍然感覺到,我們的國家是世界上唯一一個沒有充斥著旅行者的發達國家。”無論何時你出國旅行,去到那些迷人的景點,你都會看到各個國家的旅行者,但是幾乎沒有美國人。Iyer建議我們:多花點時間,不要怕麻煩,去探索一下那些美麗新世界吧!


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