中國拼網速,慢嗎?(1) -英文補習 |
■中國國際廣播電臺是中國向全世界廣播的國家廣播電臺。其宗旨是“向世界介紹中國,向中國介紹世界,向世界報道世界,增進中國人民與世界人民之間的了解和友誼”。■本節目聽寫包羅萬千,涉及經濟,政治,科學,文化等,皆在提高友聽力水平,增進知識,何樂而不為?參與方式:全文聽寫Hints:The Data Center of China InternetChina Telecommega bytesXiang LigangCCTIME.comThe Data Center of China Internet has recently released a report indicating that most broadband users in China find their internet speed is far slower than the advertised maximum speed given by internet service providers.Internet service providers are not denying it. They have official speed ranges. We consulted one of the largest internet service providers, China Netcom's service line for 4 mega bytes bandwidth speed range."The minimum downloading speed limit is 320 kilo bytes per second. Only when it goes below that speed, should we send a maintenance man to your home to fix it. The speed is considered to be normal anywhere above that."China Telecom has also publicized its 4 mega bytes bandwidth common seen speed range as being between 307 kilo bytes and 512 kilo bytes on its website.Xiang Ligang is chief executive officer of, an information site of telecommunication industry. He says the advertised maximum speed is just a theoretical one."The advertised 4 mega bytes per second is hard to reach. There are many things that would slow it down, like internet servers, routers and switches, optical transceivers or cable modems."這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>> |