english tutor,中學補習,補習社-2012格萊美獎贏傢大預測:你贊同嗎(圖)

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Whether you have watched the Grammy Awards live or not, you know for sure that it’s the biggest night and the pinnacle of all accomplishments in the music industry。   無論你是否觀看過格萊美頒獎典禮現場演出,你都可以確定這將是一個無比美妙的夜晚,一次享用全部樂壇成就的頂級盛宴。   Now the 54th annual Grammys is only a few days away, taking place on February 12 in the US。   現在,距離第54屆格萊美頒獎典禮隻剩下幾天的時間瞭,該儀式將於2月12日在美國拉開帷幕。   Here’s a roundup of the nominees in each of the big categories and predictions by the Los Angeles Times music critics about who will win。   下面是關於幾大獎項角逐者和《洛杉磯時報》樂評人做出的贏傢大猜想的一些摘要。   Record of the Year   年度制作   Adele – Rolling in the Deep   阿黛爾——《Rolling in the Deep》   Bon Iver – Holocene   本·艾維——《Holocene》   Bruno Mars – Grenade   佈魯諾·瑪斯——《Grenade》   Mumford & Sons – The Cave   民謠搖滾樂隊Mumford & Sons——《The Cave》   Katy Perry – Firework   凱蒂·佩裡——《Firework》   Who should win: Mumford & Sons. The Cave is a haunting and beautiful track worthy of more Grammy recognition than a mere nomination. Marcus Mumford’s voice is something to cherish。   誰將是實至名歸的贏傢:民謠搖滾樂隊Mumford & Sons。《The Cave》是一首令人難忘的美妙歌曲,它更值得格萊美的肯定,而不單單隻是提名而已。馬庫斯·瑪姆福德的聲音值得你去珍愛。   Who will win: Adele. It’s absolutely an easy pick and safe vote. She is going to be the golden girl of the Grammys this year。   誰將勝出:阿黛爾。這是顯而易見的,也是一張穩妥的選票。今年的格萊美上她將成為最大贏傢。   Song of the Year   年度歌曲   Kanye West – All of the Lights   坎耶·韋斯特——《All of the Lights》   Mumford & Sons – The Cave   民謠搖滾樂隊Mumford & Sons——《The Cave》   Bruno Mars – Grenade   佈魯諾·瑪斯——《Grenade》   Bon Iver – Holocene   本·艾維——《Holocene》   Adele – Rolling in the Deep   阿黛爾——《Rolling in the Deep》   Who should win: Adele. Rolling in the Deep is so sophisticated that it deserves to be recognized for the craftsmanship of the writing。   誰將是實至名歸的贏傢:阿黛爾。《Rolling in the Deep》如此精致深奧,憑借其高超的歌詞功底,值得這份肯定。   Who will win: Adele. Continue sweeping the Grammys in one of the biggest categories。   誰將勝出:還是阿黛爾。連續橫掃格萊美各大獎項,這隻是其中之一。   Album of the Year   年度專輯   Adele – 21   阿黛爾——《21》   Foo Fighters – Wasting Light   噴火戰機樂隊——《Wasting Light》   Lady Gaga – Born This Way   Lady GaGa——《Born This Way》   Bruno Mars – Doo-Wops & Hooligans   佈魯諾·瑪斯——《Doo-Wops & Hooligans》   Rihanna – Loud   蕾哈娜——《Loud》   Who should win: Adele. Can we all agree about just exactly who has this one in the bag? Eighteen weeks at No 1. Seventeen million albums sold worldwide. Three back to back No 1 singles. This situation was just made for Adele to win。   誰將是實至名歸的贏傢:阿黛爾。如果你想問,為什麼我們這麼確定該獎項一定是這位歌手的囊中之物?來看看吧!18周冠軍紀錄。全球1700萬的專輯銷量。連續三次登頂冠軍單曲。這種情況之下,最大贏傢舍阿黛爾其誰。   Who will win: Adele. Well, other albums are incredibly solid, but they should all agree that it was “nice to be nominated” and bow down to Queen Adele。   誰將勝出:還是阿黛爾。好吧,盡管其他的入選專輯也都十分不錯,但他們一致同意“能入圍已經很棒瞭”,並且都臣服於阿黛爾女王。   Best New Artist   最佳新人   The Band Perry   美國鄉村樂隊The Band Perry   Bon Iver   本·艾維   J. Cole   美國嘻哈歌手J. Cole   Nicki Minaj   妮琪·米娜   Skrillex   美國電子新銳Skrillex   Who should win: Nicki Minaj. She’s the most popular one out of all the members in this category. In the past year, she had a No 1 album Pink Friday with hit songs like Super Bass, and appeared in the works of big names such as Britney Spears, Rihanna and Madonna。   誰將是實至名歸的贏傢:妮琪·米娜。在該組獎項候選人之中她是人氣最高的一位。在過去的一年裡,她憑借《Super Bass》等熱門單曲創造瞭最暢銷專輯《Pink Friday》,並且常常會在佈蘭妮·斯皮爾斯、蕾哈娜和麥當娜等重量級明星的作品中現身。   Who will win: J. Cole. Minaj’s popularity almost guarantees a loss. Why? Because while the award is usually handed to the person who produced great quality work, it’s also like a punch to the ego of a popular artist。   誰將勝出:美國嘻哈歌手J. Cole。妮琪·米娜的高人氣也註定她有所失去。為什麼?因為格萊美往往會出產高質量作品的人拋出橄欖枝,同時也會給那些春風得意的熱門藝人一點打擊。   Best Pop Solo Performance   最佳流行歌手   Adele – Someone Like You   阿黛爾——《Someone Like You》   Lady Gaga – You and I   Lady Gaga——《You and I》   Bruno Mars – Grenade   佈魯諾·瑪斯——《Grenade》   Katy Perry – Firework   凱蒂·佩裡——《Firework》   Pink – Less Than Perfect   Pink(粉紅佳人)——《Less Than Perfect》   Who should win: Lady Gaga. While she may not have a chance for Album of the Year, she should take away this one due to her amazing performance in You and I, an old-school jazz piano ballad – a refreshing addition to this year’s smut。   誰將是實至名歸的贏傢:Lady Gaga。盡管她沒有機會角逐年度最佳專輯,但她應該憑借在《You and I》中的精彩表演而摘得這個獎項,這首帶有老牌爵士色彩的鋼琴民謠無疑為今年這些爆粗口歌曲帶來一點清新之感。   Who will win: Bruno Mars. As the only song that is nominated for both Record and Song of the Year, Grenade is also the highlight song of Mars’ career so far。   誰將勝出:佈魯諾·瑪斯。作為唯一一首同時角逐“年度制作”和“年度歌曲”兩大獎項的歌曲,《Grenade》同時也佈魯諾?瑪斯音樂生涯目前為止一首難得的佳作。
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