english tutor,中學補習,補習社-2012會便宜的12樣東西 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 經濟的不景氣、國傢負債是不是讓你萬分沮喪?沒關系,2012還是有些值得期待的:為瞭和2012年的經濟低迷相抗衡,我們總結瞭預計在2012年會降價的12樣東西。從電視機到筆記本電腦,手頭緊張的消費者可以密切關註這些商品的價格;甚至連紅酒的價格在2012年可能也會大幅下跌!所以讓我們開心一點兒,來看看這些對消費者有利的消息吧。 1. Apple iPad 2 蘋果 iPad 2 The iPad 3 will not feature a significant price drop (if any at all), but one thing is guaranteed — Cupertino's forthcoming tablet will most certainly bring down the price of refurbished iPad 2s. (As the iPad 2 did for its predecessor.) The iPad 3 may even cause resellers to offer more deals on new iPad 2 models as they try to move yesterday's tech to make room for Apple's latest and greatest. iPad 3推出時也許不會大幅降價(就算降價也隻是一點點),但有一點是肯定的—— 蘋果公司這款即將問世的平板電腦一定會使之前上市的iPad 2s的價格下跌(就好像iPad 2上市時iPad 1降價一樣)。iPad 3甚至可能讓分銷商加大iPad 2的供貨量,因為他們希望盡快銷掉老款產品,為蘋果最新最強的科技產品騰出空間。 2.紅酒 Oenophiles, perk up! Wine connoisseur extraordinaire, Robert Parker, predicts the coming year to be the "Age of the Buyer" — a prolonged period of time with stable or declining wine prices. With less disposable income, folks have left wines priced at $30 and above untouched on store shelves. So to move stock, retailers are expected to offer more sales and even flash deals on wines. Price is also affected by industry competition, as consumers note the quality-to-price ratio from wines originating in countries like Australia, Argentina, South Africa, and Chile. Aficionados should check out sites like Lot 18 for their boozy offerings. 酒鬼們,好消息來瞭!紅酒鑒賞傢Robert Parker預測,2012年會是“買方之年”——紅酒價格在較長的一段時間內都會保持穩定或下跌。由於人們的可支配收入減少,售價在30美元以上的紅酒都處於滯銷狀態。因此為瞭賣出存貨,零售商們可能會為紅酒提供更多的折扣甚至閃電促銷。此外,行業競爭也會影響到價格,消費者們開始關註不同國傢的紅酒的性價比,比如澳大利亞、阿根廷、南非和智利。紅酒愛好者可以去Lot18這樣的網站查看酒類價格。 3. Desktop Replacement Laptops 替代臺式電腦的筆記本電腦 Intel's Sandy Bridge CPUs may be dominating the laptop landscape, but it's AMD's recession-friendly Fusion APUs that are driving prices down, particularly in the realm of desktop replacements. The star of the show is AMD's A Series APU, which promises better battery life, better video playback, and more affordable prices among desktop replacements. Just last week we saw systems plummet to $350, an unprecedented low price for any desktop replacement. 英特爾的Sandy Bridge處理器也許已經占領瞭筆記本電腦的市場,但是AMD有價格優勢的Fusion加速處理器 正在引發降價,尤其是在筆記本電腦領域。這款產品的亮點在於AMD的 A系列APU,它承諾有更長的電池壽命,更好的視頻回放效果,以及在筆記本電腦中更優惠的價格。上周我們看到系統價格已經跌倒瞭350美元,這是筆記本電腦領域前所未有的低價。 4. Android Tablets 安卓平板電腦 The Kindle Fire has been Amazon's most successful product ever launched. The release of this groundbreaking tablet has, ahem, ignited a fire among tablet manufacturers as they scramble to match Amazon's $199 price tag. For consumers, the competition translates to better tablet bargains in 2012. Kindle Fire是亞馬遜目前為止推出的最成功的產品。這款突破性的平板電腦的問世點燃瞭平板電腦制造商之間的戰火,商傢紛紛出招,想要和亞馬遜199美元的售價一爭高下。對於消費者來說,這樣的競爭就意味著2012年平板電腦更優惠的價格。 5. Solid State Drives (SSDs) 固態硬盤(SSDs) The floods that hit Thailand in 2011 created a shortage of hard drives and a subsequent spike in prices. Solid state drives, however, were not affected by the flooding and while their cost per gigabyte is still higher than that of a traditional hard drive, their demand is now greater. In addition, deal news data shows that SSD prices are steadily dropping; in 2011 the price of a 64GB SSD drive dropped 33% while the price of a 128GB drive dropped 21% — a trend that we expect will continue in 2012. 2011年泰國的洪水導致瞭硬盤驅動器的短缺,繼而引發瞭價格的上漲。然而固態硬盤並未受到這次洪水的影響,雖然其每十億字節的成本依然高於傳統的硬盤驅動器,現在它的需求量已經大於傳統硬盤。此外,數據顯示固態硬盤的價格正在穩步下跌;2011年64GB的固態硬盤驅動器下跌瞭33%,128GB的則下跌瞭21%——我們預計這一趨勢在2012年仍會持續。 6. Car Rentals 租車費用 Gas and airfare may be going up in 2012, but car rental rates are expected to remain flat, as agencies across the country reportedly have excess cars available. More stock and subsequent competition is thus expected to keep rental rates low throughout the new year, and we anticipate to see an increase in the number of discounts on car and SUV rentals. 2012年油價和機票價格也許會上漲,但租車費用可能會維持在原價格,因為據報道,國內的租車行的可使用車輛已經超過瞭需求量。因此,更多的庫存量以及即將引發的競爭可能會導致2012年租車價格持續走低,我們期待看見轎車和多功能運動車的租車費用有更多的折扣。
- Dec 11 Tue 2012 10:52