實用生活妙招:各種污漬如何去除? -英文補習


You were sipping coffee in your car, and next thing you know, your white blouse has a brown spot on it. Sound familiar? Undoing a stain’s damage can be daunting. When in doubt, soak the item in cold water first. And instead of bleaching it, try sunshine. It’s free, cheerful and can often whiten better than bleach. For other common no-fail stain removals, follow advice below:你坐在車內啜著咖啡,不經意一瞥眼,白襯衫上多了幾點咖啡污漬。很常見的場景吧。但是去掉污漬卻不是一件容易的事兒。如果不確定什么方法最好,那就先將衣物浸泡在冷水中。而且,與其通過漂白的方法去污漬,還不如通過陽光去漬,不僅免費,而且比漂白的效果更好。想了解其他的實用去漬妙招?來看看下面的建議吧~

Grease, red wine or coffee油脂、紅酒或咖啡類污漬

Clean it:清除方法:

Mix together ¼ cup white vinegar, ¼ cup cold water and 1 tsp. laundry detergent. Dip paper towel in mixture and dab on spot. Rinse with cold water.將1/4杯白醋,1/4杯冷水和一茶匙洗衣劑混合,將紙巾浸泡在洗滌劑混合物內,然后用濕紙巾輕拍污漬處,再用清水漂洗干凈。


Clean it:清除方法:

Mix together 1 tsp. mild laundry detergent, ½ tsp. clear ammonia and ½ cup ice-cold water. Dunk a paper towel in the solution, then dab it on the blood. Rinse with cold water. Still there? Add 1 cup salt to 2 quarts cold water and soak garment in it. Toss in laundry machine with detergent.將1茶匙溫和洗滌劑,1/2茶匙氨水和1/2杯冰水混合,將紙巾浸泡在此混合物內,然后再有血漬的地方輕拍,最后用冷水漂洗干凈。污漬還在?試試將一杯鹽倒入兩夸脫冷水中,然后將臟衣服放在鹽水中浸泡一段時間,再將其放入洗衣機,加一些洗滌劑清洗干凈。


Clean it:清除方法:

Bring kettle of water to a boil. Spread stained clothing over top of a bucket. Holding kettle a foot above bucket, pour water through the stain. The heat, coupled with the force, should drive berry dyes out.將一壺水燒開,把有污漬的衣物鋪在桶上,將水壺拎到離水桶一英尺高,對準污漬倒出熱水,水的熱度和沖擊的壓力會使漿果污漬褪掉。


Clean it:清除方法:

Squeeze lemon on stain. Set garment out in sunshine. Repeat as necessary.將檸檬擠汁滴到污漬上,然后將衣服晾到太陽下。有需要的話可以重復幾次這個步驟。


Clean it:清除方法:

Apply a dab of clear petroleum jelly on the spot. Blot with a paper towel. Rinse with mineral spirits or, if the fabric is color-safe, hydrogen peroxide.輕拍污漬處,使上面的凡士林成分剝落,然后用紙巾吸附污漬。再用溶劑油漂凈,如果衣物的顏色不易褪色的話也可以試試雙氧水。


Clean it:清除方法:

Allow mud to dry. Gently scrape it off with flat edge, such as a credit card or dull knife. Soak remaining dirt on garment in rubbing alcohol. Dab with a paper towel.先等泥干掉,然后用信用卡或小鈍刀沿著泥漬邊緣輕輕將干掉的泥塊刮掉,將剩下的有污漬的地方用消毒酒精浸濕,然后用紙巾輕拍,直到污漬去除。

Chewing gum口香糖污漬

Clean it:清除方法:

Place item in freezer overnight, with gum side facing out. Remove from freezer and scrape the gum gently with a flat edge.將有污漬的衣物放入冷凍室凍一晚,保持有口香糖的那一邊朝外。然后將衣物取出,輕輕刮掉衣物表面的口香糖。

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