漢語疊詞怎么翻才到位? -英文補習




1. AA式 :天天 看看 樣樣 紅紅

2. AAB式:毛毛雨 洗洗手 刷刷牙 寫寫字

3. ABB式:眼巴巴 水汪汪 涼絲絲 亮堂堂

4. AABB式: 高高興興 認認真真 三三兩兩 滴滴答答

5. ABAB式: 一個一個 雪白雪白 飛快飛快 漆黑漆黑

6. A-A式: 看一看 試一試 熱一熱 猜一猜

7. A了A式: 看了看 試了試 摸了摸 拍了拍

8. A呀/呵A式: 唱呀唱 游呀游 走呀走 讀啊讀

9. A著A著式:說著說著 數著數著 跳著跳著 器著器著

10. A里AB式:糊里糊涂 傻里傻氣 嬌里嬌氣 羅里羅嗦



漢語詞匯重疊后,一般無詞性變化。但是,動詞以AABB格式重疊后,往往的人很多。商商量量地辦 事。形容詞以ABAB格式重疊后,往往轉換成動詞。例如:過新年了,大家痛快痛快一番!







1. 借助every、all、each等詞語,以表達'增義'的語意。例如:

這些戰士個個都很漂亮。Each and every one of these soldiers has proved his mettle.

件件衣服都很漂亮。All of these suits of clothes are beautiful.

綠化祖國,人人有責。It's everybody's duty to make our motherland green.

不要斤斤計較。Do not haggle over every ounce.

他們的戰術是步步為營、穩所穩打。Their tactics is to go ahead steadily and entrench themselves at every step,and then strike sure blows.

2. 用'同詞連續反復'方法翻譯:


一天一天、一年一年,他們頑強地生活和戰斗在荒山野林里。Day after day and year after year, fought and lived stubbornly in the wild mountains and forests.

洪水慢慢地退了。Little by little the flood water receded.

要么就一點也不相信我,要么就完完全全相信我。And trust me not at all or all in all.

農民犁田只能一塊一塊地犁。Peasants can only plough the land plot by plot.


細細問故舊,星星數鬢斑。On and on post Taihang we walk,

By and by to Yanan we make our way.

Again and again with old friends we talk,

One by one we count our hairs grey.

3. 用復數形式翻譯,表達疊詞的'增義'或'強義'語意。例如:

學生們三三兩兩地坐在教室里。The students their seats in the classroom by twos and threes.

假日里,青年人雙雙對對漫步在公園內。The young people in pairs and couples rambled about the park on holidays.

山林炊煙縷縷上升。Wisps of smoke rose continuously from the mountain vil-lage chimneys.

一群一群的人蜂擁而進大廳。Crowds of people swarmed into the hall.

大批大批的物資被立即送往地震災區。Thousands of goods and materials are immediately sent to the earthquake-stricken area.

4. 用語義相符的英語表達方式或語法結構表達疊詞的'嫌義'或'強義'語意。例如:

他們聽著聽著不覺哈哈大笑起來。As they listened they burst into laughter.

數著數著,兩只兔子快到對岸了。As they countedthe two found themselves quite near the other side of the river.

我們的事情太多了,做都做不完。There are too many things for me to attend to.

他思緒滾滾,早已忘卻約會一事。He had been so busy with her own emotion that he had forgotten about the appointment.

他很聽話,我們的話句句聽。He was very obedient and always did as we told him.

我們應扎扎實實地把這個問題解決好。We must work in a down-to-earth way.

5. 用have+名詞的結構翻譯漢語動詞重疊形式,所表達的作多為一次體或嘗試體。例如:

你們只可以嚇一嚇他,可別把他打傷了。You may well give him a fright,but be sure not wound him.

讓敵人嘗嘗我們炮彈的味道。Give the enemy a taste of our shells.

這東西需要檢查檢查。It's necessary to have a check-up.

你們倆交換交換意見。You two have an exchange of views.

6. 用英語的回聲詞翻譯漢語的疊詞。回聲詞通過間接摹聲來象征語義、與漢語的一疊詞頗類似,有很好的修辭效果,可表達疊詞的'增義'或'強義'語意。

愛情在他們心里噗噗地跳。 Love pit-patted in their heart.

她是那么圓滾滾、矮墩墩的,我感到奇怪她怎么能動作迅速地捉到小鳥。She was so round and rolly-l used to wonder how she ever moved fast enough to catch hold of a bird.

表演場地上讓比賽車塞得滿滿的。Exhibition floors were chock-a-block with racing and sports cars.

我們不得不零零星星的償付。We have to pay in dribs and drabs.

我們要求把事情完全擺在桌面上,而不是鬼鬼崇崇。We wanted things to be completely above board and no hanky-panky.

那條小徑曲曲折折通向山頂。The path zigzags up the hill.

7. 采用英語頭韻、押韻等來譯,表達疊詞的'增義'或'強義'語意。例如:

青青河畔草,郁郁園中柳。Green grows the grass upon the bank,

The willow-shoots are long and lank,

尋尋覓覓,冷冷清清,凄凄慘慘戚戚。So dim, so dark, so dense, so dull, so damp, so dank, so dead.

祝大家平平安安。Wish all you safe and sound.

現在我的衣服干干凈凈,但過去我父親卻穿得破破爛爛。My clothes are neat and clean,but my father's were worn and torn.

兩家生活都被弄得顛顛倒倒,混亂不堪。The lives two families are turned topsy-turvy.

我們聽到雨夾雪打在冰凍的玻璃上的滴滴答答的聲音。We heard the tick-tack of sleet on frosted windowpanes.

8. 用加強語勢的辦法來翻譯,表達'增義'或'強義'語意。例如:

星星之火,可以燎原。A single spark can start a prairie fire.

科學是老老實實的學問,來不得半點虛假,需要付出艱巨的勞動。Science means honest,solid knowledge,allowing not an iota of false-hood,and it involves Herculean efforts and grueling toil.

他們的房間暖烘烘的。Their room was good and warm.

樹陰底下涼涼爽爽。It was nice and cool under the shade of a tree.

對待同志要滿腔熱忱,不能冷冷清清,漠不關心。We should be warm towards our comrades,not ice cold and indifferent.

茲母手中線,游子身上衣。臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸。Thread from the hands of a doting mother. Worked into the clothes of a far-off journeying son. Before his departure,were the close,fine stitches set,Lest haply his return be long delayed,

9. 根據上下文,體味其意思,選擇意義相近的詞語,盡量譯得傳神些。例如:

土豪劣紳的小姐少奶奶的牙床上,也可以去滾一滾。They even loll for a minute or two on the ivory-inlaid beds.

那是萬萬不行的。That's absolutely out of the question.

我萬萬沒有想到。This idea never occurred to me.

鮮艷的五星紅旗徐徐升起。The bright Five-Star Red Flag slowly went up the pole.

路上的行人漸漸少了。The number of pedestrians gradually dwindled.

家鄉的景物處處使人想起了往事,許多往事可追溯到幼年時代。The hometown was full of reminiscence,many going back to early childhood.

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    English Tutor

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