第二冊 Lesson7 -英文補習



1.…detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.  

all 一般直接加表示時間的單數名詞構成副詞短語,如:all day ,all night,all week,all winter,all year等。但不說all hour。

whole在表達同樣的意思時一般要加冠詞或數詞,如:a whole day/ year,two whole weeks。

2.…someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.    


3.When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.   

這個長句子由3個部分組成:when引導的是整個句子的時間狀語從句;some of…building為主句;while 引導的是動作與主句的動作同時進行的時間狀語從句。while作為連詞表示“和……同時”、“當……時候”時常常引導一個過去進行時從句。

地點狀語 on the airfield 與第一句中的 at the airport 意義相近。注意介詞on和at的不同搭配。

代詞others常常和some連用,表示“有些……,也有些……”或者“有的……,其余的……”:Some students are very hard-working, others are not.

Some of the novels are interesting, others are not.

4.keep guard   

與 stand guard意思相近:Two thieves kept guard around the house while the others entered it.

They kept a close guard over the thieves.

5.to their surprise  

這個短語中的所有格形容詞their也可以換成其他所有格形容詞: to my/ his surprise, to our surprise 等。一般不說 to your surprise。




過去進行時主要表示過去某個時刻或某段時間正在進行的動作。過去進行時和一般過去時經常同在一個句子里使用。過去進行時表示過去正在進行的動作或情況,一般過去時則表示比較短暫的動作或事件。正在進行中的動作或情況往往由連詞 when, while, as, just as等引導:

While/ When/ As I was sweeping the floor, I found your pen.


John was watching TV while his wife was talking with a neighbour over the phone.

Some students were dancing and singing while others were eating and drinking.

Just as I was opening the front door, the telephone rang.

Just as I was leaving the house, you came in.


We were having supper when the lights went out.

2)過去進行時往往與表示一段時間的狀語連用,如all morning, all night, all day, all evening, the whole week等,表示這段時間一直在干什么:

They were preparing for the party for two whole days.



I am looking for Tim.

She looked after the baby.

He put the fire/ it out.

Mother woke the children/ them up.

She took the picture/ it down.

Please turn the radio/ it off.

He turned it on.

Put the cake on the table.

She is walking up the hill.



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