這樣也能救命:神奇母親咳掉癌癥腫瘤 -英文補習


A mother saved her own life when she coughed up an inoperable cancer tumour.一名母親罹患不宜施行手術的癌癥,但她神奇地咳出了癌癥腫瘤,挽救了自己的生命。

Claire Osborn, 37, felt a tickle in her throat and hacked up the 2cm long heart-shaped lump into a tissue. She took the growth to her GP and was given just a 50% of survival after a biopsy revealed it was an aggressive form of mouth and throat cancer.克萊爾·奧斯本,37歲,感覺喉嚨有點兒癢,將一塊兩厘米長的心形腫塊咳嗽到了一張紙巾上。她把咳出的腫塊拿給醫生看,活體組織檢查表明這個腫塊居然是惡性口腔咽喉腫瘤, 她的生存幾率僅有50%。

However, doctors were later stunned when further tests revealed there was no trace of any other cancer in her entire body. It is believed the tumour grew on a 'stalk' at the back of her throat, which dislodged during the coughing fit. Mrs Osborn said: "The consultant turned round to me and said 'It appears you have coughed up your cancer. Congratulations.然而,當做進一步檢查后,醫生吃驚地發現,她整個身體里竟然沒有其他癌癥的跡象。醫生認為腫瘤正好長在喉嚨后部的一塊息肉上,在咳嗽的時候恰好斷裂了。奧斯本夫人說:“醫生轉向我說‘看起來你把癌癥咳嗽掉了。恭喜你。’。”

"I was totally flabbergasted. I couldn't believe a coughing fit had saved my life. If I hadn't coughed it up, the tumour would have grown and almost certainly spread to my other organs."“我大吃一驚。我簡直不敢相信一陣咳嗽竟挽救了我的生命。如果我沒有把它咳出來,腫瘤就會繼續擴散,癌細胞肯定會轉移到其他的器官上。”

The mother of six had her first coughing fit after she felt a scratching sensation in her throat on 11 October last year. She hacked up a lump that resembled "a strip of liver" but she "didn't really think too much about it and threw it away".這名有著六個孩子的母親在去年10月11日感覺喉嚨搔癢,然后開始咳嗽。她吐出一個腫塊,看起來像“一塊肝”,但她“沒有多想就把它扔掉了”。

It was only the next day when a second coughing fit produced a bigger lump that Mrs Osborn suspected something was seriously wrong.直到第二天,又一次咳嗽咳出了更大的腫塊時,奧斯本夫人才覺得有問題。

"The next day I was in the car with my son and the same thing happened again but this time the lump was much bigger, about 2cm long. I knew something was very wrong so I went straight to my GP who sent the tissue sample away for tests."“第二天我和兒子在車里,同樣的事情發生了,這次的腫塊更大一些,有兩厘米長。我知道肯定出問題了,就直接去找醫生,醫生把咳出物的樣本拿去做了測驗。”

Two weeks later the 37-year-old returned home from a holiday to be told she had cancer. She said: "I was devastated. The consultant told me the tissue sample was cancerous and I probably had more tumours in my body. They said the cancer was inoperable and I should be prepared for chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I just thought I was going to die. The mortality rate for this cancer is quite high, about 50 per cent, so I started saving for my funeral."兩周后,37歲的奧斯本夫人度完假回到家,被告知已經患上癌癥了。她說:“我很悲痛。醫生告訴我樣本是惡性腫瘤,我的身體里可能還有更多的腫瘤。他們說這種癌癥不適宜動手術,我應該做好化療和放射療法的準備。我當時想我要死了。這種癌癥的死亡率相當高,大約50%,我開始為葬禮攢錢。”

But doctors at University Hospital Coventry were stunned when Mrs Osborn's test results came back negative. Head and Neck surgeon Gary Walton, who treated her, said: "This patient basically coughed up her cancerous tumour.但是當得知奧斯本夫人的檢驗結果是陰性的時候,考文垂大學醫院的醫生們都大吃一驚。她的頭頸科醫生加里·沃爾頓說:“這位患者基本上把她的癌腫瘤都咳嗽出來了。”

"The tissue which she coughed up was tested and there was a malignancy. It was suspected that this could have been part of a tumour elsewhere in the body but scans showed she was clear. It is very uncommon to cough up cancer, but she did it. We suspect the tumour grew on a stalk at the back of her mouth which is very difficult to detect. Somehow she dislodged this and the stalk snapped and she coughed up the tumour."“她的咳出物經檢測是惡性的。醫生懷疑咳出物可能是身體里其它腫瘤的一部分,但是掃描結果表明她身體里并沒有腫瘤。把癌癥咳出來非常罕見,但是她做到了。我們懷疑腫瘤長在喉嚨后部的息肉上,這很難檢測到。不知怎么的,腫瘤移動了,息肉斷裂了,于是她就把腫瘤咳了出去。”

Full-time mum Claire is now urging other people suffering from tickly coughs to get them checked by a doctor. She said: "If I hadn't coughed anything up I wouldn't have thought anything was wrong. I could still be walking around today with a tumour in my throat and the only symptom was a cough. Anyone with a persistent cough should get checked out as a precaution."全職媽媽克萊爾現在敦促其他咳嗽時喉嚨感覺有點兒癢的人去醫院檢查一下。她說:“如果我沒有咳出來這些東西,我不會認為我的身體出現了異常。那可能到今天我的喉嚨里仍然有腫瘤,而唯一的癥狀僅僅是咳嗽。持續咳嗽的人都應該去檢查一下,以防萬一。”


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