設計界奧斯卡大獎:凱特王妃婚紗PK倫敦奧運火炬 -英文補習


The Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress and the London 2012 Olympic torch are among designs competing to be crowned the best of the year.劍橋公爵夫人、凱特王妃的婚紗和2012年倫敦奧運會的火炬正在角逐年度最佳設計的桂冠。

The duchess's ivory bridal gown, designed by Alexander McQueen's creative director Sarah Burton, was widely considered to be a roaring success when it was unveiled at the royal wedding last April.王妃那件象牙白的結婚禮服,是由英國著名服裝品牌Alexander McQueen創意非凡的掌門人Sarah Burton設計的,在去年四月的皇室婚禮上初次亮相,被公認為是一件非常成功的設計作品。

The intricately decorated gown, handstitched by dozens of members of the Royal School of Needlework in Hampton Court, was deemed by some to bear a striking resemblance to the one worn by the actress Grace Kelly for her wedding to Rainier III, Prince of Monaco, in April 1956.這件做工精細的婚紗是由來自漢普頓宮苑皇家縫紉學校的幾十名成員手工縫制的,有人認為它可以和女演員格蕾絲·凱利1956年4月嫁給摩納哥王子雷尼爾三世時穿的那件婚紗相媲美。

It went on display in the ballroom of Buckingham Palace during the annual summer opening last year.這件婚紗已經于去年年度夏季開放日期間在白金漢宮的一個舞廳里展出。


Its rival is the controversial Olympic torch, created by east London design duo Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby. The conical gold torch has compared to a cheese grater or an ice cream cone.而和它角逐年度最佳設計的競爭對手則是引起爭議的奧運火炬,是由來自倫敦東部的Edward Barber和Jay Osgerby設計的。有人把這個圓錐形的金色火炬比喻成一臺干酪磨碎機或者是一個冰淇淋甜筒。

The cutting edge design team said at the time they wanted it to resemble a piece of sporting equipment rather than a trophy. They described it as 'physically light and visually light', but the 80cm perforated gold design divided commentators. Nevertheless, it makes it firmly onto the Design Museum's annual awards nominees list.火炬的設計團隊稱,當時他們希望這個火炬更像是一種運動裝備而不是一個獎杯。設計師認為這款火炬“無論是重量上還是視覺上都讓人感覺輕快”,然而人們對這款80厘米高的鏤空金色設計卻褒貶不一。不過這個火炬仍然毫無懸念地獲得了設計博物館年度大獎的提名。

The east London velodrome built for the 2012 Olympics finds its way onto the list - a good sign that the constructions for the British Olympics could be a lot more successful than that other infamous landmark venue, the Millenium Dome.位于倫敦東部、為2012年奧運會修建的自行車館也榜上有名,這很好地表明了倫敦奧運會的建筑比其他一些地標性建筑成功得多,比如那座千禧圓頂館。

Dubbed the Oscars of the design world, the top award is much coveted among those in the industry. The long-listed designs are in seven different categories: architecture, fashion, furniture, graphics, product and transport.設計年度大獎被喻為設計界的奧斯卡,受到了業內人士的競相追逐。獲得提名的設計作品包括7大類:建筑類、時尚類、家居類、繪畫類、產品類以及交通類。

A high profile judging panel will decide the best entries in each of the seven categories. Images of the items will go on show at an exhibition at the museum, in Shad Thames, south London, from February 8.A winner named for each category and an overall overall winner for Design of the Year will be announced at a ceremony at the museum on April 24. 公正嚴明的評審團將會選出這7大類的最佳作品。入圍作品的照片將于2月8日起在位于倫敦南部泰晤士區的設計博物館內展出。每個大類的獲勝作品以及最終獲得年度設計大獎的作品將于4月24日在博物館的頒獎儀式上宣布。

Exhibition curator Ria Hawthorn said: 'From the everyday practicality of a carefully crafted dining chair to the thought-provoking solar powered 3D printing machine that points to the future, this year's nominees reflect the diversity of design in all its forms, showcasing designs that will have an impact on our everyday and future lives.'展覽負責人Ria Hawthorn說:“從每天要用到的做工精細的就餐椅到指引未來、引人思考的太陽能3D打印機,今年的提名作品展現了設計在各種形式上的多樣性,這些展出的設計將會對我們現在和未來的日常生活產生影響。”


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