english tutor,中學補習,補習社-“林書豪熱”襲來 奧巴馬也瘋狂

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林書豪這個名字在短短的幾周內就已世人皆知。在“林書豪熱(Linsanity)”席卷全球的同時,美國總統奧巴馬也對這位NBA新星厚愛有加。 Obama on Lin-sanity: “I’ve been on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon for a while.” 對於“林瘋狂”,奧巴馬表示:“我早就是林書豪的鐵桿球迷瞭。” President Obama says he was ahead of the curve when it comes to New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin. 美國總統奧巴馬表示,要說到紐約尼克斯的明星球員林書豪,自己可謂是走在林書豪風潮的最前端。 “I’ve been on the Jeremy Lin bandwagon for a while.” the president told ESPN’s Bill Simmons. “I knew about Jeremy before you did, before everybody else did.” 美國總統奧巴馬在接受美國娛樂和體育電視臺專欄記者比爾•西蒙斯的采訪時表示,“我早就是林書豪的鐵桿球迷瞭。在你連同其他人都還不知道林書豪是誰的時候,我就已經認識他瞭。” Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who often plays basketball with the president, first drew his attention to the breakout star. 美國教育部部長阿恩•鄧肯經常會和總統奧巴馬一塊兒打籃球,是他最先讓奧巴馬註意到瞭這個脫穎而出的新秀。 “Arne and I were playing and he said, ‘I’m telling you, we’ve got this terrific guard named Jeremy Lin at Harvard,’” Obama said. 奧巴馬表示:“一次打球時,阿恩對我說:‘我告訴你,我們現在有位來自哈佛的完美後衛,名叫林書豪’。” Duncan, who played professional basketball in Australia before turning to politics, is a former captain of the Harvard team, Lin’s alma mater. 鄧肯還未從政時,是澳大利亞的職業籃球運動員,也是哈佛校籃球隊的前任隊長,是林書豪的校友。 Asked jokingly by Simmons if he was taking credit for Lin-sanity, the president said, “I can’t take credit for it. But I’m just saying, I was there early.” 西蒙斯打趣地問奧巴馬是否將“林書豪熱”歸功於自己,奧巴馬回答說:“我不能這樣說。但是我想說的是,我早就關註這個小子瞭。” In a wide-ranging interview, the sports-fan-in-chief revealed how he stays up-to-date with professional sports despite his demanding day job. 在這次內容廣泛的訪談中,作為頭號運動愛好者的奧巴馬透露,盡管他日理萬機,他還是會實時關註職業賽事的最新動態。 When he and his wife Michelle Obama work out together in the morning they always watch ESPN’s SportsCenter, Obama explained. 奧巴馬解釋說,每當他和妻子米歇爾•奧巴馬在早上一起工作時,他們總會收看ESPN電視臺的《體育中心》節目。 “The only thing that she allows me to control … is SportsCenter,” the president quipped. 奧巴馬自嘲說:“米歇爾唯一讓我掌控遙控器的節目便是《體育中心》。” Obama, a self-professed “night guy,” also admitted he sometimes sneaks in a ball game while he’s up late at night reading his briefings. 公開表示自己是“夜貓子”的奧巴馬也承認,他熬夜閱讀簡報時,偶爾也會開小差,偷偷溜去看球賽。
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