english tutor,中學補習,補習社-“輪椅樂手”高小偉的北漂生活

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
輪椅樂手王小偉從小命運多舛,但他拒絕依靠別人,隻身一人來到北京,過著地鐵藝人的北漂生活。人來人往中,他輕唱(croon)著人生的悲歡離合,也高歌著不屈服於命運的旋律。 A small man in his wheelchair gently nudges his way into the packed Line 2 subway. People make way for him; he stakes out his space at the end of the car. He pulls out what looks like a slightly undersized car battery, and clumsily wraps the copper wires around the positive and negative terminals. He reaches down to hook them up to the weathered speaker placed between his feet. After a slow but meticulous procedure, microphone, MP3 player and speaker are eventually all in place. He clears his throat and smiles uncomfortably. "I`m always a bit nervous when I get started," he says in a quiet voice. 一位身材矮小的男子搖著輪椅小心地擠進瞭人滿為患的地鐵2號線。人們為他讓道;男子在車廂的盡頭找到位置安頓下來,拿出一個看上去像極瞭迷你汽車電池的東西,笨拙地把銅線纏在正負極上。然後俯下身去將銅線連接到雙腳間的一個老舊音箱上。經過調試的過程很慢,但他仍一絲不茍。麥克風,MP3播放器和音箱終於各就各位。男子清瞭清嗓子,不自然地笑瞭笑,輕聲說:“剛開始我總有點緊張。” For now, Gao Xiaowei sings in subways. For three hours a day in his adopted city of Beijing, this is the way he wins his bread. He sings with closed eyes, shoulders swaying gently. "I want to know all about you, but I never got a chance," he croons, finishing the song with impressive sensitivity just before a recording announces the next subway stop. There is no applause, but a couple people toss a few paper bills into his box before they squeeze off of the train. 現在,高小偉在地鐵裡唱歌。在自己選定的北京城中,他每天唱三小時的歌來維持生計。唱歌時他總是閉起雙眼,輕搖雙肩。“我想瞭解你,卻沒有機會。”他吟唱著,剛好在錄音廣播下一站站名之前,滿富深情地演繹完這首歌。盡管沒有掌聲,但幾個人在擠下地鐵前,往他的盒子裡扔瞭幾張紙幣。 Born in Jiangsu province to a farming couple, Gao was a happy and healthy baby. He explains how at the age of three, a small illness triggered an unfortunate train of events. 高小偉出生在江蘇省的一個農民傢庭,曾經是一個健康快樂的孩子。他訴說著在他三歲的時候,自己是如何因為一場小病而遭遇一連串不幸的。 "At that time, rural medical conditions were very poor and the doctor wasn`t very professional. As a result, the doctor gave me an injection in the wrong spot which caused me to lose the use of my legs. I was paralyzed, and my family rushed to save me without retaining any evidence.” “那時農村醫療條件很差,大夫也不是很專業。結果大夫給我打針的時候打錯瞭地方,結果導致我雙腿失去行動能力。我癱瘓瞭,父母因為急著搶救我,而沒有保留任何證據。” “On the one hand, we had no awareness about the law at that time, and it was difficult to sue doctors. On the other hand, the population in the country was small, and we all had close relationships with the doctor. So we didn`t have the nerve to sue him, and we didn`t want to cause any trouble. There were no consequences [for him] from any of this, and we think we were really a bit foolish at that time. Later, in [a] large hospital, the doctor was sure that it was caused by the [country doctor`s] medical error." “一方面,那時候我們沒有法律意識,起訴醫生是件難事。另一方面,農村人口少,這醫生跟我們關系很好,所以我們也狠不下心去告他,不想惹麻煩。所以他沒有為此承擔任何後果,現在想想覺得我們那時有點傻。後來,在一所大醫院裡,醫生說正是那位農村大夫的醫療失誤而導致瞭我的癱瘓。” As a young man on a farm, Gao was dissatisfied as he was unable to help with the required physical jobs, and he didn`t like being dependent on others. But his parents wouldn`t approve of him leaving town, so he had to run away from home to find out what life could offer him. He went to many cities before settling on Beijing. 作為村裡的年輕人,沒法幫傢裡幹活的高曉偉心有不甘,也不願靠別人養著。但父母不同意他離開傢鄉,所以他隻好從傢裡跑出來,尋找謀生的方法。在落腳北京之前,他去過很多城市。 "After I arrived in Beijing I sold all kinds of toys and jewelry for ladies. But now singing in underpasses can let me live day by day better than selling things could before." “到瞭北京之後,我賣過五花八門的玩具和首飾。但是跟賣東西比起來,如今在地下通道裡唱歌的經歷讓我的生活一天一天地好起來瞭。” Even though he could earn more, there were still dangers. "At first, the police were very hard on me and I was forcibly sent home. Now their attitude is kind, and they can understand us; but I`m still afraid of them." 盡管他掙得多瞭,但始終有風險。“剛開始,警察對我很嚴厲,把我遣送回傢。現在他們的態度好多瞭,也能理解我們;但我還是有點怕他們。” Gao`s brightest days in Beijing were spent performing music alongside two friends, a drummer and guitarist. "We used to sing in a busy underpass at Wangfujing. At that time, many people appreciated us, and we gave many interviews such as for Beijing TV." 高曉偉在北京最輝煌的日子,是跟兩個朋友一起表演的日子,一位是鼓手,一位是吉他手。“我們曾經在王府井一個人潮熙攘的地下通道裡唱歌。那時候很多人會欣賞我們的表演,還有很多人采訪我們,比如北京電視臺。” But Beijing is a city where people come and go, and Gao has struggled with loneliness since his friends returned to their hometowns. You can hear a note of melancholy in his voice when he sings songs about love, including one he wrote himself. With an embarrassed smile, he recounts his love from his hometown, a girl whose parents wouldn`t accept him. "Now she is married but I still remember her. Because of her, at that time I wrote many poems and songs... But I felt so much pain from my lost love [that] I burnt those poems." 但北京是個人來人往的城市,在朋友們回老傢之後,他開始在孤獨中掙紮。當他演唱愛情歌曲時,從他的聲音裡,你能聽得出一絲憂傷,其中有一首歌正是他自己創作的。他尷尬地笑瞭笑,講述起自己在老傢的一段戀情,女孩的父母不願接受他。“她現在已經結婚瞭,但我還是忘不瞭她。因為她,那時候我寫瞭很多詩和歌曲……但後來因為痛失所愛太過痛苦,我把那些詩都燒瞭。” Fortunately, music continues to play an important role for him. "It`s an indispensable part of my life. It can give me peace of mind, to temporarily forget the suffering... Although my life isn`t very good, I may be thought of as a beggar, but I need more than just food and meeting the needs of the body and music gives me a lot of spiritual comfort." 幸運的是,音樂仍舊是他生命中重要的一部分。“音樂是我生命中無可取代的一部分,它賦予我心靈的寧靜,讓我暫時忘掉痛苦……盡管我的生活並不如意,人們可能把我看做一個乞丐,但我需要的不僅僅是食物,或身體基本要求的滿足,音樂給予我很多的精神安慰。”
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