《吸血鬼日記》第三季11集15張劇照+預告片+官方劇情介紹發布! -英文補習 |
1 TVDS03E11 Our Town
Although Caroline is in no mood to celebrate her 18th birthday, Elena, Bonnie and Matt surprise her with a small party in an unusual location. Damon and Stefan disagree on the best way to handle Klaus, and a reckless Stefan decides to test his theory by taking things to dangerous extremes. Bonnie is concerned when Elena tells her about Jeremy’s new plans. At a Founder’s meeting, Alaric once again runs into Dr. Fell, who is in the middle of an argument with her ex-boyfriend, the medical examiner. Tyler refuses to go along with Klaus’ latest demand, and is surprised when Klaus seems to accept his decision.雖然現在的Caroline并沒有心情慶祝自己的18歲生日,Elena、Bonnie和Matt還是決定在一個特殊的地方舉行一個小派對來給Caroline一個小驚喜。Damon和Stefan在“怎樣對付Klaus才是最好的方式”這個問題上意見不合,魯莽的Stefan決定用一種相當危險的極端方式來測試自己的理論是否正確。Elena把自己對于Jeremy的計劃告訴Bonnie,Bonnie很關心這件事情。在創始家族會議上,Alaric又去找了Fell醫生,Fell正在和做驗尸官的前男友吵架。Tyler不愿意服從Klaus給他的新命令,而Klaus居然接受他的意見,這讓Tyler很詫異。
- Apr 18 Wed 2012 16:19