《阿甘正傳》臺詞賞析-12 -英文補習 |
節選臺詞: Black Panther: Let me tell you something else. We are here to offer protect and help to all those who need our help because we, the Black Panthers, are against the war in Vietnam. Yes, we are against any war where black soldiers are sent to the front-line to die for a country that hates them. Yes, we are against any war where black soldiers go to fight and come to be brutalized and killed in their own communities as they sleep in their beds at night. Yes, we are against.... Westley: I shouldn’t have brought you here. I should have known it was just going to be some bullshit hassle. Gump: He should not be hitting you, Jenny. Jenny: Come on, Forrest. Gump: Sorry, I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther Party. Jenny: He doesn’t mean it when he does things like this. Gump: I would never hurt you, Jenny. Jenny: I know you wouldn’t, Forrest. Gump: I wanted to be your boyfriend. Jenny: That uniform is a trip, Forrest. You look handsome in it! You do. Gump: You know what? Jenny: What? Gump: I’m glad we are here together in our nation’s capital. Jenny: Me too, Forrest. Forrest: We walked around all night, Jenny and me, just talkin’. She told me about all the traveling she’d done. How she discovered ways to expand her mind and learn how to live in harmony, which must be out west somewhere ‘cause she made it all the way to California. Boy: Hey, anybody want to go to San Francisco? Jenny: I’ll go. Forrest: It was a very special night for the two of us. I didn’t want it to end. Gump: I wish you wouldn’t go, Jenny. Jenny: I have to, Forrest. Westley: Jenny, things got a little out of hand. It’s just this war and that lying son-of-a-bitch Johnson. I would never hurt you. You know that. Gump: You know what I think. I think you should go home to Greenbow, Alabama! Jenny: Forrest,we have very different lives,you know. Gump: I want you to have this. Jenny: Forrest, I can’t keep this. Gump: I got it just by doing what you told me to do. Jenny: Why are you so good to me? Gump: You’re my girl. Jenny: I’ll always be your girl. Forrest: And just like that, she was gone,out of my life again. Neil Armstrong : That’s one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind... Forrest: I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the communists was to play Ping-pong. So I was in the special services, traveling around the country, cheering up all those wounded veterans and showin’ how to play Ping-pong. I was so good that some years later, the army decide that I should be on the All-American Ping-pong Team. I was the first American to visit the land of China in like a million years or something like that. Somebody said world peace was in our hands. But all I did was to play Ping-pong. When I got home, I was a national celebrity. Famouser even than Captain Kangaroo.
失去控制 例如:At first it was only horseplay but it soon got out of hand and developed into full-scale fight. 開始那只是喧鬧的嬉戲,可是很快就失去了控制,發展成了全面的斗毆。 經典句型:
有沒有人想去三藩市? 我們大家熟悉的句型是:Does anybody want to go to San Francisco? 在口語表達中,語言并非一成不變地循規蹈矩,否則給人的感覺太死板。因此我們要熟悉和使用通過升調將一般陳述句變為疑問句的用法,這在美語中常見,見到這樣的句子,就模仿電影中地道的語氣,找到說話的語感。這有助于表達輕松、自然的人際關系。 1. Anything wrong with this machine? 這架機器出了什么毛病? 2. Anything else to say? 還有什么可說的么? 3. Anyone else wants a ticket? 還有人要票嗎? 4. Something new? 有什么新貨? 文化面面觀
當阿甘再一次向詹妮表白心意的時候,詹妮又一次拒絕了阿甘。現在的詹妮已經在社會上闖蕩了很久,知道得到一個人的關愛是多么的彌足珍貴,尤其阿甘這樣執著、這樣一往情深地愛著她,更令詹妮感動。可是,詹妮明白自己和阿甘選擇了兩條截然不同的人生之路,面對阿甘的表白,她只好顧左右而言他,用最委婉的語言表達自己的拒絕。大家還記得阿甘第一次向詹妮說“我愛你”的時候,換來的是一句斬釘截鐵的“You don’t know what love is.”,可見隨著歲月的流逝,詹妮已經學會了尊重別人。這種委婉的拒絕方式大家在和老外接觸時應多加小心。語言往往是一個人的生活狀態的最佳載體,詹妮說的“trip”,原意指的是吸食致幻藥物,如 LSD后產生的刺激性的體驗。這里是說阿甘穿著軍裝簡直酷斃了,這當然是癮君子們的用語,其實大家可以從詹妮典型的嬉皮士的發型,著裝和生活方式中看出,詹妮已然和毒品沾邊了。她一貫的叛逆和不甘平庸卻又一次把 她帶向了迷茫與墮落。詹妮的生活其實就是美國叛逆一代的集中寫照。
- Apr 18 Wed 2012 16:23