《阿凡達》女主角見義勇為救車禍婦女! -英文補習 |
Zoe Saldana has played an action hero on the big screen – and this week she played a hero in real life. The Avatar star, 33, rushed to the aid of an elderly woman who had reportedly gotten into a car accident in Culver City, Calif., on Wednesday. "Zoe witnessed the car accident, and was very quick to help," says an onlooker. She "immediately got on the phone with 911 and she seemed very concerned." Saldana and another passerby transported the woman – who was conscious but injured – from her car to the curb. There they called 911 and waited for police and paramedic attention on the scene. The onlooker adds: "While waiting for help to arrive, Zoe returned to the woman's car and picked up the woman's handbag and sweater. Zoe was very caring and sweet to the woman." 娛樂快訊:《阿凡達》女主角佐伊·索爾達娜在大熒幕上經常扮演女英雄,這回她在現實生活中做了回真正的英雄。昨日,佐伊在美國加州目擊一場車禍。她立即打電話報警并與另一名路過的目擊者一同將受傷老婦人抬到路邊,好在老婦人還算清醒,只是受了皮外傷。對于這樣的義舉佐伊沒有發表任何申明。看來這位女明星是典型的做了好事不留名的好同志!對于佐伊來說,也許這并不是什么義舉,只是每一個有良知的都應該做的事情。明星也是老百姓,佐伊只是做了應該做的事情。但是希望佐伊的明星光環以及她做的好事,她的行為能夠成為更多人帶來好的影響。
- Apr 18 Wed 2012 16:22