潘德爾的巫師(8) -英文補習

前情提要: Alizon承認她詛咒了小販,Mr Nowell準備問James一些問題......聽寫方式:只聽寫劃線部分的句子。  James came in and stood next to Alizon. James was thirteen years old, nearly a man, but he was afraid of many things. He began to cry.   'Don't be afraid,' Mr Nowell said. 'we want you to talk abut your grandmother, Old Demdike.'  But Alizon wanted to talk. 'Don' t ask him!' she said quickly. ' I go with her from village to village. I go with her across Pendle Hill. She asks people for money and food, and I help her.' Alizon stopped. She looked at James, and then she looked at Mr Nowell. 'She cursed a child once, and the child died later that year.'  'And you!' James said. 'You cursed a child, too! Somebody told me!'   'Be quiet!' Roger Nowell said coldly. 'Alizon Device, tell me the truth: did you curse a child?'  'Yes, I did,' Alizon cried. 'The child called me a witch, and I was angry. I cursed the child, but I was sorry when the child died.'  James looked up at Alizon, his mouth open. 'The child died, the child died,' he said again and again.   'Alizon Device, ' Roger Nowell said slowly. 'You must go to the prison at Read.'  'But I need Alizon!' 'She takes care of Demdike, my mother.'  I looked at my mother, at her red, angry face. And then I looked at Mr Nowell: his brown eyes were warm, and his face was kind. 訂閱節目可看到全部聽寫列表,并及時收到更新通知~I can tell you about my grandmother because I'm with her every minute of the day.James suddenly sat down on the floor and began to laugh loudly.you cannot go home again,my mother shouted angrily from the door.I looked at Alizon in her dirty dress, and at James on the floor with his mouth open.詹姆斯走了進來,站在艾麗森身邊。詹姆斯13歲,幾乎是個男子漢了,但是,他對很多東西都感到恐懼。他哭了起來。  “別害怕,”諾埃爾先生說。“我們想讓你講講你的外祖母老德姆代克的一些事。”  可是,這時候艾麗森卻想說話。“別問他!”她急促地說。“我可以告訴你們關于我外祖母的事,因為我一天到晚和她在一起。我們倆一起翻越潘德爾山,走了一村又一村。她向人們討飯要錢,我給她幫忙。”艾麗森停住了。她看了看詹姆斯,又看了看諾埃爾先生,接著說:“她曾經詛咒過一個小孩兒,后來,就在那一年,小孩兒死了。”  “還有你!”詹姆斯說。“你也詛咒過一個小孩兒!有人告訴我了!”詹姆斯突然坐到了地板上,大笑起來。  “安靜!”羅杰·諾埃爾冷冷地說。“艾麗森·迪瓦斯,對我說真話:你曾詛咒過一個小孩兒嗎?”  “是的,詛咒過,”艾麗森喊道。“那個孩子管我叫女巫,我生氣了。我就詛咒了他,但是對于他的死我很抱歉。”  詹姆斯抬起頭,張著嘴看著艾麗森。“那個孩子死了,那個孩子死了,”他一遍遍地說著。  “艾麗森·迪瓦斯,你不能再回家了。”羅杰·諾埃爾緩慢地說道。“我們必須把你送進里德監獄。”  “可是我需要艾麗森!”我的媽媽在門邊氣憤地喊著。“是她照顧我的母親老德姆代克。”  我看了看我的媽媽,她的臉漲得通紅,臉上帶著憤怒的表情。我又看了看穿著臟裙子的艾麗森,還有張著嘴坐在地上的詹姆斯。然后我看了一眼諾埃爾先生:他的棕色眼睛流露出熱情,他的面容是和善的。這篇材料你能聽出多少?點擊這里做聽寫,提高外語水平>>
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