熱門事件學英語:春節恐歸族 拿什么拯救你的鄉情? -英文補習 |
In contrast to the mass enthusiasm for returning home for family union during the upcoming Spring Festival, there are some, becoming known as the "home-fear group", who have deep reservations about going back home.春節在即,大部分在外工作的游子們都歸心似箭,踏上了春運歸家之途。可是和他們的歸家熱情形成鮮明對比,還有這樣一群春節“恐歸族”,對過年要不要回家這個問題,顧慮萬千,遲遲沒有動身。 Such fears can be attributed to economic pressure, long distance, parents' desire to see their child get married and other elements, Beijing Morning Post reported on Sunday, citing a survey released by China's Association of Social Workers.《北京晨報》援引中國社會工作者協會的調查,在上周日的相關新聞報道中表示,春節恐歸族,他們的恐懼和煩惱源自經濟壓力、路途遙遠、父母盼著孩子成家立業的殷切希望,和其他等原因。 The survey, which covered six big cities including Bejing, Shanghai and Guanghzou, shows that nearly 70 percent of respondents feel anxious about returning home.該調查在中國六大城市展開,其中就包括北京、上海和廣州。調查結果顯示,至少有70%的受訪者表示對過年回家表示擔憂。 The difficulty in buying tickets home is regarded by 83 percent of the home-fear group as one element causing fear; 71 percent are anxious about high spending during the festival; 35 percent are annoyed with factors relating to family or affection.春運購票難,是83%的恐歸族擔憂的主要因素;71%的人在擔心春節期間的高消費壓力;35%的人煩惱的則是家庭和感情問題。 Seventy-three percent of respondents deem the seven-day-long holiday to be too short. 73%的受訪者認為春節假期只有7天,實在是太短了。
- Aug 07 Tue 2012 10:14
熱門事件學英語:春節恐歸族 拿什么拯救你的鄉情?_英文補習