english tutor,中學補習,補習社-“調情”方式:我的愛情“它”做主

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
Flirting style can influence the type of relationship you enter into, a study suggests. 有研究稱,調情方式會直接影響人們戀愛關系的類型。 Researchers found those who use playful and physical styles of flirtation are likely to attract shorter, less serious relationships, whereas polite and sincere flirting could attract a longer term partner. 研究人員發現,戲謔性的肢體接觸類調情易收獲短暫、不甚嚴肅的戀情,而禮貌和真誠的方式更易吸引長期伴侶。 The findings come from a study of more than 5,100 people looking at the way they communicate their romantic interest. 該結論是基於一項針對5100多人就如何看待他們戀愛方式做的調查。 They filled out a questionnaire about the way they flirted and their relationship history. 在做問卷調查時,他們填寫瞭各自的調情方式和戀愛史。 Jeffrey Hall, of the University of Kansas, found there were five different types of flirting – traditional, physical, sincere, playful and polite. 美國堪薩斯大學的傑弗瑞•霍爾指出,調情方式可化分為五種類型:傳統型、肢體型、真誠型、戲謔型和禮貌型。 While everybody exhibited aspects of each style, for most people one dominated over the other and this could have an effect on the type of person and relationship you attract. 盡管每個人的調情方式都會展現出每種類型的諸多方面,但對於大多數人而言,一種調情方式居主導地位,這會直接影響你的戀愛類型以及你吸引的是什麼樣的人。 Dr Hall said that if you were unhappy with the type of person you were attracting then it might mean you should modify your flirting technique for more success. 霍爾博士指出,如果一個人不滿意自己所吸引對象的類型,那就意味著他需要改變調情技巧才能奏效。 "Flirting does tend to reflect personality and we are not saying you can change your style completely but some modification may help you find the right person for a relationship," he said. 他說:“調情確實能夠反映一個人的性格,這並不是說你要完全改變自己的調情方式,隻是適當的改變可能會幫助你找到心目中理想的他/她” 。 "In some ways, the very early part of developing relationships is important to the success of long-term relationships, including marriages." “在某種程度上,一段戀情在確立之初十分重要,它不僅可以決定戀情是否長久,甚至還可以決定婚姻成敗。
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