english tutor,中學補習,補習社-“非法轉移財產”英文表達 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 中國外逃的腐敗分子是怎樣把巨額財產轉移到境外的?央行反洗錢部門一直在進行深入研究。日前,央行網站刊發報告指出,我國腐敗分子主要通過八種途徑向境外轉移資產。 請看《中國日報》的報道: Corrupt officials and company executives in China transfer their assets overseas through at least eight channels, according to a report released on Monday by the Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center set up by the People's Bank of China. 央行反洗錢監測分析中心發佈報告稱,中國的腐敗官員和公司高管通過至少八種途徑非法向境外轉移財產。 文中的transfer their assets overseas就是指“向境外轉移財產”,也稱為cross-border transfers of ill-gotten gains(越境轉移非法所得),被轉移的財產就稱為assets transferred overseas。此類非法行為使我國蒙受瞭巨額損失。 報告中提到的八種途徑分別為smuggling cash(現金走私)、underground banking services(地下錢莊)、trade under current accounts(經常項目下的交易形式)、overseas investment(海外投資)、credit cards(信用卡工具)、offshore financial centers(離岸金融中心)、direct overseas payments(海外直接收受)、payments to family members or lovers living overseas(通過在境外的特定關系人轉移資金)。
- Nov 28 Wed 2012 09:35