english tutor,中學補習,補習社-“粉紅希特勒”海報意大利惹爭議 |
【補習社, 英文補習, 補習英文, 中文補習, 補習中文, 英文課程, 暑期課程, 補習數學, 數學補習】 近日,意大利西西裡首府巴勒莫街頭隨處可見一款備受爭議的海報——臭名昭著的納粹頭子希特勒化身“粉紅男郎”。據悉,這款海報主要是為瞭鼓勵年輕人穿出自己的風格。
The 18ft high posters of the Nazi leader advertise a line of clothing for young people and adorn street corners and bus stops in Palermo, Sicily's biggest city. The ads show the Fuhrer in a lurid pink uniform, with his swastika armband replaced with one bearing a bright red heart, above the slogan "Change Style - Don't Follow Your Leader". Many local people say the advertising campaign is offensive and have called for the posters to be taken down. A city councillor with the centre-Left Democratic Party, Rosario Filoramo, has protested to the mayor of Palermo. "The use of an image of a person responsible for the worst chapters of the last century is offensive to our country's constitutional principles and to the sensitivities of citizens," he said. A council official, Fabrizio Ferrandelli, said: "Having Hitler's face on a poster... cannot be passed off as an innocent advertising message. Seeing these posters in front of schools is an embarrassment." But the advertising agency which came up with the idea said critics of the campaign were over-reacting. The Hitler poster was a tongue-in-cheek way of encouraging young people not to follow the crowd in their fashion choices. "We have ridiculed Hitler in a way that invites young people to create their own style and not to be influenced by their peers," said the agency's Daniele Manno. Impressionable locals will now have to brace themselves for a fresh affront - the company plans to bring out a new poster campaign in the next few weeks featuring Mao Tse Tung. 相關中文報道(轉自北京晨報) 近日,意大利西西裡首府巴勒莫街頭隨處可見一款備受爭議的海報——臭名昭著的納粹頭子希特勒化身“粉紅男郎”,納粹軍服胳膊上的納粹符號被大大的粉色心形圖案代替。據悉,這款海報主要是為瞭鼓勵年輕人穿出自己的風格。 “粉紅希特勒”海報高5.5米,遍佈巴勒莫的大街小巷及公交車站。該海報亮相後,立即在當地引起爭議熱潮。很多人表示這樣的海報令人生厭,並呼籲立即將海報撕掉。 巴勒莫市中左翼民主黨議員羅薩裡奧·費羅拉莫已經向市長表示抗議。他說:“使用上世紀最惡貫滿盈的人做形象代言人,這對我們的國傢、我們的人民都是一種冒犯。” 雖然遭到瞭來自社會各界的強烈指責,但海報的廣告商卻不以為然,並聲稱輿論對該海報的反應過於強烈。廣告商負責人丹尼爾·馬諾說:"選擇希特勒隻是想通過這樣的方式對他進行嘲諷。"不過,迫於輿論壓力,廣告商決定在未來幾周內推出新款海報。
- Dec 08 Sat 2012 19:50