english tutor,中學補習,補習社-《歡樂滿人間》 作曲者逝世

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美國著名作曲傢羅伯特﹒謝爾曼去世 享年86歲 Robert B. Sherman, 'It's a Small World' Songwriter, Dies at 86 Robert Sherman, who wrote iconic songs for Disney such as "It's A Small World (After All)," Mary Poppins' "Chim Chim Cher-ee" and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious," passed away in London at the age of 86. His son Jeff announced the sad news to fans via Facebook yesterday. He wrote: "I have very sad news to convey. My Dad, Robert B. Sherman, passed away tonight in London. He went peacefully after months of truly valiantly fending off death. He loved life and his dear heart finally slowed to a stop when he could fight no more." Sherman worked at the Walt Disney Studios as a songwriting duo with his brother, Richard. The brothers wrote the lyrics and music together, and won two Oscars for their work on Mary Poppins. The Sherman brothers also wrote the music for such Disney classics such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Jungle Book. They also wrote music for Charlotte's Web, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and both versions of The Parent Trap. But perhaps Sherman's biggest legacy--especially for OC natives who live in the shadow of Disneyland--is the earworm "It's a Small World." Written in 1964 at the behest of Walt Disney himself, the song was made for a ride featuring audio-animatronic children from all over the world. Disney asked for one song that could be easily translated into many languages and be played as a round, so the Sherman Brothers wrote "It's a Small World (After All)." Disney was so delighted with the final result that he renamed the attraction after the Sherman brothers' song. According to the glorious Interwebz, It is the only Disney song never to be copyrighted, as UNICEF requested, and can be heard worldwide on musical devices ranging from keyboard demos to ice cream trucks; it remains, to this day, "a gift to the children of the world." 相關新聞: 據美聯社報道,美國著名作曲傢羅伯特﹒謝爾曼(Robert B. Sherman)於當地時間3月5日在倫敦去世,享年86歲。 其經紀人斯特拉﹒理查茲(Stella Richards)於當地時間3月6日公佈瞭這一消息,並稱羅伯特走時十分安詳。 羅伯特﹒謝爾曼和他的兄弟理查德﹒謝爾曼一起為迪士尼電影創作瞭許多膾炙人口的歌曲,包括電影《歡樂滿人間》中著名的饒舌歌曲《不可思議》(Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious),以及《森林王子》、 《貓兒歷險記》、 《飛天萬能車》 在內的諸多影片插曲。他們的歌曲還包括其為1964年紐約世界博覽會所作的《小小世界》(It's a Small World After All)。 謝爾曼兄弟因為《歡樂滿人間》獲得瞭兩次奧斯卡金像獎,一次格萊美音樂獎,並且在好萊塢的星光大道上留名。 羅伯特的兒子傑弗裡﹒謝爾曼在Facebook的個人主頁上稱,他的父親想把幸福歡樂帶給這個世界,毫無疑問,他做到瞭!
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