english tutor,中學補習,補習社-《嫁個完美男人》爆笑上映

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"Marrying Mr. Perfect" to hit cinemas on March 16th 該片以“剩男剩女”為題材,梁詠琪飾演一個被戀愛瞭七年的男友拋棄的“灰姑娘”,遇上瞭鄭中基扮演的香港富豪,兩人最終譜出戀曲。 3月16日在全國正式公映。號稱喜劇之王的王晶,近年來一直在摸索新鮮元素,影片中不僅有其圈內三十餘位好友明星加盟助陣,還有梁詠琪、謝娜、柳巖、孟瑤、鞏新亮等眾多“晶女郎”妖艷爭寵。 Director Wong Jing's new film "Marrying Mr. Perfect" will be released simultaneously on March 16th, Friday, on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, Sina Entertainment reports. The romantic comedy, which highlights marital battles, tells the story of a 30-something single woman who meets a wealthy man from Hong Kong and has a happy ending with him. The film features mainland crosstalker Guo Degang and Hong Kong comedian Kin-Yan Lee, known for his comedic cameo appearances in Stephen Chow films, as a quarrelsome couple. The couple often gets into free-for-alls instead of displaying their love for each other. The all-star cast also includes Gigi Leung, Ronald Cheng, Xie Na and Chapman To.
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