我要做個守財奴:新年6大省錢計劃 -英文補習 |
1. Divvy up any unexpected income分配好福利收入 When you have a windfall — a bonus, gift, or extra cash for extra work — use the rule of thirds to determine how to use it:當你得到一筆意外之財時--獎金、禮物,或是賺到的外快--使用三分之一法則來決定如何使用它: One third for the past. Use one third to pay down debt you owe.三分之一用在過去。把三分之一的錢用來支付你欠下的債務。 One third for the future. Put a second third immediately into some sort of savings or investment.三分之一用在未來。把第二個三分之一立刻進行儲蓄或是投資。 One third for the present. Use the final third to make a home or personal improvement or purchase you want. 三分之一用在當前。把最后的三分之一用于家庭或個人改善,又或者是買你想要的東西。 If you follow this rule, you'll see your debt shrink and your savings grow, and you won't feel deprived.如果你遵循了這個法則,你將看到你的債務在減少,而你的儲蓄在增加。你也不會再覺得拮據了!
- Feb 04 Sat 2012 21:36