李奧納多出席評論家選擇獎 看起來很帥! -英文補習 |
Leonardo DiCaprio was looking hot in a suit at the Critics' Choice Awards in LA tonight. He brought his dad, George, along for the big event, where he's nominated for best actor in J. Edgar. Leo also took the stage to honor Music + Film Award recipient Martin Scorsese. Martin, Leo, and George all sat at a table together, and chatted before watching Bob Dylan perform in Martin's honor. 娛樂快訊:李奧納多帶著老爸而非女伴出席評論家選擇獎。合身的西裝在身,大背頭梳起,李奧納多看上去很帥!最近電影作品不斷,緋聞也不斷的“小李子”看來很符合一個詞:老來俏。期待他的作品《胡佛》以及《泰坦尼克號3D》版哦!