english tutor,中學補習,補習社-學生校園談戀愛 父母掏錢來買單 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 Being in a relationship pays in more ways than one. Aside from the obvious benefits of a daily intimate association, parents are more willing to dish out the pocket money if their child is involved with a significant other. 談一場戀愛可謂是益處多多。最顯而易見的便是能享受每天與戀人的親密接觸,如果子女與另一半墜入愛河,除此之外,父母也願意拿出更多錢為子女的愛情買單。 When the new school year began this month, Lin Xingyun, a senior at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications School of Humanities, received 20,000 yuan ($2,958) from her parents. 這個月新學期伊始,林星雲(音譯),一名來自北京郵電大學人文學院的大三學生從父母那裡得到瞭兩萬元人民幣,折合2985美元。 About 5,000 yuan of that was for her annual tuition fees, and 8,000 was for living expenses, but about 7,000 yuan was effectively to cover the cost of maintaining her relationship. 這其中有5000元的學費,還有8000元的生活費。剩下的7000元都將用作經營戀情的開銷。 After falling in love with a schoolmate in her second year at university, her mother began giving her more money, about 30 percent more than the year before. 自從林星雲念大二時與本校的一名校友談戀愛後,她媽媽就開始給她更多的零用錢,大約比往年多30%。 "After finding a boyfriend, my parents loosened up," Lin said. 林星雲說:“有瞭男朋友之後,我父母變得大方瞭,對零用錢限制放寬瞭。” Generally, she spends the extra money on her boyfriend when they go for meals, on trips and on gifts for each other. They take turns treating each other. 一般來說,當她和男朋友一起出去吃飯,旅遊,或者買禮物時都需要花錢,他們會輪流付賬。 "The extra money is necessary for our relationship. The support from my parents relieves the money worries and makes life less difficult. Treating my boyfriend is a way to show my respect for him," she said. 林星雲說:“談戀愛肯定會多花錢。我父母給我提供的資金支持讓我不再為錢的事發愁,生活變得更加輕松。我來買單是為瞭表示對男友的尊重。” Some experts said the parents` financial support is a demonstration of their hopes. 一些專傢說父母的資金支持傳遞瞭他們的某些願望。 The fact is that most college students have no income when they study at college. By offering money, their parents can give their children a better life, said Xiong Bingqi, an education expert at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 上海交通大學的教育專傢熊秉奇說:“事實上,大多數大學生在校學習期間都沒有任何收入。父母通過提供資金支持,可以為子女創造更好的生活條件。” Other experts think that these parents are spoiling their children and that their money will only make them over dependent and incapable of making their own decisions and choices. 其他專傢則認為這些傢長是在溺愛自己的孩子,並且這些錢隻會使他們的子女對傢長產生過分依賴,並且喪失自主決策的能力。 "In the West, young people earn their own money for relationships. What Chinese parents do doesn`t help their children," said Li Yinhe, a sociologist at the Beijing-based Chinese Academy of Social Sci-ence. “在西方,年輕人都要自己賺錢為戀愛買單。”中國社科院社會學傢李銀河說:“中國父母所做的並不是真正在幫助他們的孩子。” "The happiness of love should be built by lovers themselves, not with the help of their parents," she said. 她說:“愛情的幸福甜蜜需要兩人自己創造,而不是通過父母的幫助得到的。” |