english tutor,中學補習,補習社-學習樂器有神效 能提高智商延緩衰老 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 Learning to play a musical instrument helps keep people young, according to a new study. Researchers found that musicians aged 45 to 65 excel in memory and hearing speech in noise compared to non-musicians. While a growing body of research finds musical training gives students learning advantages in the classroom, a new study has found musical training can also offset some of the negative effects of growing old。 如今培養一個孩子需要花費大量的時間和金錢,在崇尚“十八般武藝”的時代,孩子們會一兩樣樂器不再是一個稀罕事。我們看過學習樂器可以使得人的智商提高的報道,但是樂器的魅力卻不僅限於讓你變得更聰明而已。根據一項新的發現,會樂器能使得人變得更年輕,倘若是音樂傢的話,那效果更加明顯。據悉,科學傢針對年齡段從45到65歲的“音樂傢”展開調查,發現他們的聽力以及記憶力水平在同齡人之上。 Study co-author Nina Kraus, director of the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern University in the United States, said: “Lifelong musical training appears to confer advantages in at least two important functions known to decline with age - memory and the ability to hear speech in noise. The musicians who began playing an instrument at age nine or earlier and consistently played an instrument throughout their lives bested the non-musician group in all but visual working memory, where both groups showed nearly identical ability. Doctor Kraus said the experience of extracting meaningful sounds from a complex soundscape - and of remembering sound sequences enhances the development of auditory skills. She said: “The neural enhancements we see in musically-trained individuals are not just an amplifying or ‘volume knob’ effect。“Playing music engages their ability to extract relevant patterns, including the sound of their own instrument, harmonies and rhythms。” 來自美國西北大學聽覺神經科學實驗室的專傢Nina Kraus說:“在人生中長期接觸樂器可以使得我們變得更年輕,主要有原因有如下兩點,第一是增強我們的記憶力,還有一個就是增強我們在嘈雜環境中的聽力水平。”據悉,科學傢在針對音樂傢與非音樂傢的實驗中發現,從9歲甚至更早開始學習樂器的人(並且將這項技能堅持一生的人)與完全不碰樂器的人相比在“視覺工作記憶力”上的水平相當。視覺工作記憶(visual Working memory)指對非言語視覺信息的短時存儲,是視覺信息接受進一步處理前的暫時存儲。但是從事音樂的實驗者在“聽力工作記憶力”卻有令人羨慕的水平。 Dr Kraus said music training “fine-tunes” the nervous system. She added: “Sound is the stock in trade of the musician in much the same way that a painter of portraits is keenly attuned to the visual attributes of the paint that will convey his or her subject。“If the materials that you work with are sound, then it is reasonable to suppose that all of your faculties involved with taking it in, holding it in memory and relating physically to it should be sharpened。 專傢Dr Kraus 說:“音樂有神奇的魔力,可以達到微調神經系統的目的。” |