english tutor,中學補習,補習社-牙齒問題 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 “牙疼不是病,疼起來真要命”,相信很多受過蛀牙、智齒折磨的人對那種“吃不下、睡不著”的痛苦都記憶深刻,今天我們就來學習一下在英語中如何表達這些牙齒問題吧。 1. How can I stop my roommate from grinding his teeth? It really drives me crazy. I am not asleep! 怎樣才能讓我的室友不再磨牙?我簡直要瘋瞭,我根本睡不著! 2. If you really hate buck teeth, get braces. 如果你確實討厭你的齙牙,那帶牙套吧。 3. When did you have your teeth cleaned last time? 你上次洗牙是什麼時候? 4. Do you floss every day? 你每天用牙線嗎? 5. My gum has been bleeding a lot lately. 我的牙齦最近總出血。 6. How much does it cost to fill a cavity? My tooth is killing me and I don't have insurance. 補個牙得多少錢?我牙疼得受不瞭瞭,我沒上保險。 7. My wisdom teeth hurt! What should I do to stop the pain? I have sucked on an ice cube and it didn't work. 我長智齒瞭,好疼!有什麼辦法可以鎮痛?我剛含瞭一個冰塊,不管用。 8. I just put glue on my Grandma's false teeth. Haha! 我剛在我奶奶的假牙上塗瞭膠水,哈哈! 9. How can I pull out my tooth with one side loose and the other side stubbornly stuck on? 我有一個牙的一邊松瞭,另一邊長得還挺牢的,我怎樣才能把它拔出來呢? 10. Gap-toothed models are dominating the fashion world lately. 最近,牙齒有縫的模特在時尚界特別走俏。 |