english tutor,中學補習,補習社-【微小說?翻譯】扔枚硬幣,就有兩個選擇

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】

  一個女孩失戀分手瞭哭著。上帝出現瞭,上帝問她你為什麼這麼難過?“他離開瞭我。”“你還愛他嗎?”女孩重重地點頭。“那他還愛你嗎?”女孩想瞭想哭瞭。上帝笑著說:“那麼該哭的人是他,你隻不過是失去瞭一個不愛你的人,而他失去的是一個深愛他的人。”  The God asks a crying girl what makes her so sad. The girl answers, “he left me.” “Then tell me are you still in love with him?” The girl nods her head violently. “Is he still in love with you?” Hearing this, the girl cries. “Then it is him who should be weeping, because what you lost is someone who doesn’t love you, but he lost someone deeply in love with him.” God says with a smile.

  譯者小註1:第一句要省略,和後面的幾個句子合為一,因為後面的對話無法簡化還會變長,這樣可以避免譯文與原文差別太大。  譯者小註2:weep與cry都表示哭泣,避免一篇譯文中出現過多,可以兩者穿插使用。



  天堂裡,上帝問他:“你年紀輕輕就來到這裡,不後悔嗎?”他說:“我後悔啊,從樓頂跳下的瞬間,我看到十樓的夫妻正在鬧離婚,八樓的中年夫婦下崗,六樓的大哥在一次意外事故中失去瞭雙腿…原來還有比我生活更慘的人,但他們還都堅強地活著…可是晚瞭,此時,我已經沉沉落地瞭…”  “You come here at such a young age. Don’t you regret?” God asks the young ghost. “Yes, I do. I saw many things when I jumped off the building. At the tenth floor, I saw a couple that was going to divorce; at the eighth floor, I saw a middle-aged couple that just lost their job; at the sixth floor, I saw a man who lost his legs because of an accident…I finally realized that their life was way much worse than mine, but they carried on…but it’s too late. I hit the ground hard.”

  譯者小註1:年輕人的稱謂不能照搬中文,而要換成“ghost”,原因很簡單啦,死瞭的人不是人哦。  譯者小註2:沉沉落地也不能字面翻譯,而應該采取變相表示,否則不合英語表達習慣,所以用hit the ground比較合適。



  21. 一個苦者對和尚說:“我放不下一些事,放不下一些人。” 和尚說:“沒有什麼東西是放不下的。”他說:“可我就偏偏放不下。”和尚讓他拿著一個茶杯,然後就往裡面倒熱水,一直倒到水溢出來。苦者被燙到馬上松開瞭手。和尚說:“這個世界上沒有什麼事是放不下的,痛瞭,你自然就會放下.“I just can’t let go. ”a young man asks the wise man for help. And the wise man answers, “Nothing in the world deserves you to do so.” “While, I just can’t, and I really need help.” The young man says. The wise man asks him to get a cup, and then he starts to pour hot water into the cup. The hot water fills up the cup and comes out of it. Scalded by the hot water, the young man drops the cup immediately. “See? When you feel the pain, you’ll let it go.” says the wise man.

  譯者小註1:放不下就是can't let go,而且文首文尾保持一致,可以比較接近原文的表述。  譯者小註2:“沒有什麼東西是放不下的”一句要註意不可以用被動,let不能亂用被動語態,因此變換說法,“沒有什麼東西是值得你不放下的”。


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