english tutor,中學補習,補習社-【我愛卡路裡情人節特供】香草巧克力漢堡派 |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 邁入二月,南方已有春暖花開的勢頭。艷陽天越來越多,我們也將迎來一年中最甜蜜的節日:情人節!今次【我愛卡路裡】就為大傢帶來情人節特供“香草巧克力漢堡派”,願這款經典的美式甜點甜進你和情人的心裡~ Woopie Pie 它是一款經典的美式傢庭甜點,口感介於軟餅和曲奇之間。既然是情人節,自然要用最甜蜜的巧克力香草口味。女孩男孩都學起來吧,親手烤一些給你的情人一個驚喜! Ingredients 所需原料 For the chocolate cookies 制作巧克力餅所需 *230g/8oz plain flour *75g/2¾oz cocoa powder *1 tsp baking powder *¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda *¼ tsp salt *170g/6oz unsalted butter, at room temperature *150g/5oz granulated white sugar *1 large free-range egg *1 tsp vanilla extract *60ml/2fl oz buttermilk *120ml/4fl oz warm strong coffee 230克中筋面粉(普通面粉) 75克可可粉 1茶匙烘焙粉 ¼茶匙小蘇打粉 ¼茶匙鹽 170克無鹽黃油,室溫下放軟 150克粗粒白砂糖 1個大的散養雞蛋 1茶匙香草精 60毫升脫脂牛奶 120毫升濃咖啡 For the vanilla filling 制作香草奶油餡所需 *55g/2oz vegetable shortening *55g/2oz unsalted butter, at room temperature *115g/4oz icing sugar *1½ tsp vanilla extract *120ml/4oz corn syrup or glucose syrup 55克植物起酥油 55克無鹽黃油,室溫放軟 115克糖霜 1½茶匙香草精 120毫升玉米糖漿或葡萄糖漿 Preparation method 制作步驟 1.Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Line two baking trays with greaseproof paper. 1. 預熱烤箱至190度。同時放入兩個鋪瞭吸油紙的烤盤。 2.For the chocolate cookies, sift together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt. Set aside. 2. 制作巧克力餅時,把面粉、可可粉、烘焙粉和小蘇打粉放在一起篩過,備用。 3.Using an electric whisk, beat the butter and sugar together in a bowl until pale and fluffy. Whisk in the egg and vanilla extract until smooth and well combined. Using a wooden spoon, fold in the buttermilk and the coffee. 3. 使用電攪拌器,打發黃油和糖,直到顏色發白並稍有膨脹。再加入香草精和蛋繼續打,直到混合物光滑、混合均勻。然後改用一隻木勺,拌入脫脂奶和咖啡。 4.Add a quarter of the flour mixture and gently fold in until well combined. Repeat with the remaining flour mixture, adding a quarter at a time, until all of the flour has been incorporated and the mixture has formed a dry dough. 4. 加入四分之一的面粉混合物,輕輕攪拌均勻。使用同樣的辦法加入面粉,一次隻加入四分之一。最後當面粉全部加入,形成一個幹面團。 5.Spoon heaped tablespoons of the cookie mixture onto the lined baking trays, leaving at least 4cm/1½in of space between each. Bake for 9-10 minutes, or until the cookies are firm and cooked through. Remove from the oven and cool on wire racks. 5. 用勺子將面團舀出來、一一平鋪到烤盤上。每個面團之間至少留夠4厘米的距離。烤上9-10分鐘,或等到面團變硬、烤透。然後把它們從烤箱移出來,放在架子上冷卻。 6.For the vanilla filling, beat all of the filling ingredients together with an electric whisk until light and fluffy. 6. 做香草奶油餡時,把所有材料混合到一起,用電子攪拌器打勻,直到變輕、變松軟。 7.To serve, spoon a generous amount of the vanilla filling onto the flat side of one cookie and top with another cookie. Repeat with all of the remaining cookies and vanilla filling. 7. 裝盤時,用勺子舀一大勺餡料夾在兩塊巧克力餅中。直到把所有餅和餡料都用上。 |