english tutor,中學補習,補習社-18歲年輕媽媽為護子槍擊入侵者(圖) |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 A teenage mother shot and killed an intruder after a 911 operator said she was allowed to defend her infant son and herself with force. 在911話務員跟她表示為保護小孩她有權采取措施後,一個少女媽媽槍擊瞭入室者。 Sarah McKinley, 18, killed Justin Martin with a single gunshot wound on New Year's Eve when he forced his way into her Blanchard, Okla. home and came at her with a long hunting knife, ABC News reports. 據美國廣播公司新聞報道,這個18歲的少女媽媽名叫莎拉·麥金利。新年夜當晚,一位名叫賈斯汀·馬丁的男子闖進她在俄克拉荷馬州佈蘭查得市的傢中。 在馬丁拿著一把長長的獵刀向她逼近上來時,莎拉果斷開槍。 The deadly encounter occurred about a week after the young mom's husband died of cancer, according to TV station KOCO. Martin darkened McKinley's door on the day of her husband's funeral, several days before the shooting. He claimed he was a neighbor who wanted to say hello, but she didn't open the door. 據KOCO電視臺消息,一個星期前,莎拉的丈夫因癌癥去世。然後馬丁就盯上瞭莎拉。就在莎拉丈夫的葬禮那天,他在莎拉的門口做瞭標記。然後騙莎拉說,他隻是個鄰居,過來打個招呼而已。但莎拉沒有開門。 Martin returned with an accomplice on Dec. 31, and they tried to force their way into the modest house. When McKinley heard the men trying to break in, she called 911. 12月31號那天,馬丁又帶瞭一個同夥,想要強行闖進屋裡。莎拉一聽到動靜就撥打瞭911報警。 She also holed up in her bedroom with a 12-gauge shotgun and a pistol, while she put a bottle in her three-month-old son's mouth. 然後,莎拉躲在臥室裡,給三個月大的兒子塞上奶瓶,並掏出一把12口徑的霰彈槍和一把手槍。 "I've got two guns in my hand -- Is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door?" McKinley asked the 911 operator. “我手上有兩把槍。如果他闖進來,我能不能開槍?”莎拉向911接線員問道。 "I can't tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby," the dispatcher told McKinley when she asked a second time. The call went on for 21 minutes as the men powered their way into McKinley's house. “我不能給你一個確切的答復。但是,為瞭保護孩子,你可以采取必要措施。”莎拉問瞭兩遍後,那個接線員這麼說道。電話通瞭21分鐘後,兩個傢夥強行闖進瞭莎拉的傢裡。 Eventually, Martin kicked in the door and charged at her with a knife, but McKinley fired before he could injure her. 然後馬丁踢開房門,拿著刀子抵住瞭莎拉。但是,莎拉眼疾手快,已搶先一步開瞭槍。 Police found Martin slumped over a couch that McKinley had used to barricade the door and pronounced him dead o the scene, TV station News 9 reports. They said McKinley's use of force was justified. 新聞頻道報道說,警方趕到時,馬丁已經癱軟在莎拉用來杠門的沙發上。莎拉表示,這傢夥中槍後立刻就斃瞭。不過,警方也已承認,莎拉的行為屬於正當防衛。 Martin's alleged accomplice, Dustin Stewart, fled when he heard the gunshot and later surrendered to police, according to The Oklahoman. Stewart was charged with burglary. 據俄克拉荷馬州的警方透露,馬丁的同夥達斯汀·斯圖爾特一聽到槍聲就逃跑瞭;不過,後來很快被捕,並被判處“入室盜竊罪”。
- Nov 30 Fri 2012 11:54