english tutor,中學補習,補習社-1/4應聘女性求職時因性別遭拒

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
Sex-based discrimination in workplace is widespread in China as one in four female job seekers is denied of employment because of their gender, a study has found. 最新一項調查數據顯示:在中國,職場性別歧視現象非常普遍,平均每4名女性求職者中就有1名因性別問題而被用人單位拒之門外。 The research, released by the Center for Women`s Law and Legal Services of Peking University, polled 3,000 women over one year`s time and came up with the result after data analysis and in-person interviews, the China Youth Daily reported Sunday. 據《中國青年報》上周日報道,該調查由北京大學法學院婦女法律研究與服務中心發起,為期1年,采用問卷與訪談相結合的方式,共3000名女性參與瞭調查。 According to the report, one in 25 of the surveyed are forced to sign labor contracts that contain clauses forbidding them to get married or pregnant in a set period of time. 該調查報告指出,平均每25名女性受訪者中就有1名被迫簽訂帶有“禁婚”、“禁孕”條款的勞動合同。 More than 20 percent say employers cut salaries on women who become pregnant or give birth, and 11.2 percent lose their jobs for having a baby. 此外,逾1/5受訪者表示在孕期、產期曾遭遇降薪。其中,甚至有11.2%的女性因懷孕而被辭退。 According to law, Chinese women may take a maternity leave for at least 90 days, while their American peers have just seven days off. 按照相關法律規定,中國女性可享有至少3個月的產假。在美國,這個期限是7天。 Some 28 percent say employers set different criteria in recruitment and women have to perform much better than their male peers in interviews to get the same job. 另有28%的受訪者認為,用人單位在招聘男女員工時標準明顯不同。為爭取同一職位,女性需要比男性在面試中付出更多的努力。 More than one third believe male employees have more opportunities than women in getting promoted, and 52.1 percent attribute to it the fact that women have to spend more time taking care of children and family chores. 而超過1/3的受訪者表示,男性比女性更容易得到升遷機會。超過52.1%的受訪者將這一點歸結為“女性必須要花更多的時間來照顧孩子和承擔傢務”。 The research also found one in 20 women experienced workplace sexual harassment. 此外,調查還發現,平均每20名女性中就有1名曾經歷過職場性騷擾。 "The society needs to foster the idea of gender equality in employment," said Guo Jianmei, director of the center. "But legislation is the most effective way to wipe out discrimination from workplaces." 北京大學法學院婦女法律研究與服務中心主任郭建梅說:“現在全社會都應該樹立男女平等的就業意識。但從根本上來說,隻有立法才是消除職場性別歧視的最有效途徑。”
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