english tutor,中學補習,補習社-10個句子表達“上當瞭” |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 日常生活中每個人都不可避免要買很多東西,但有些人擅長買到價廉物美的滿意物品,而有些人就總是受騙上當。你是哪一類買主呢? 1. Mary was done brown! 瑪麗上當瞭! 2. He was dumped on. 他上當瞭。 3. You have been spoofed. 你上當瞭。 4. You've really been taken. 你真的上當瞭。 5. You have fallen into the trap. 你們上當瞭。 6. We were all fooled by him. 我們都上瞭他的當。 7. We got screwed when we bought this house. 我們買這所房子時上當瞭。 8. We were tricked into buying a poor car. 我們受騙上當買瞭一輛破汽車。 9. I've been diddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad! 我上當瞭! 這些番茄有一半是壞的。 10. You've been sold a pup again. That car you bought is a wreck. 你又上當瞭。你買的那輛汽車是個廢物。