english tutor,中學補習,補習社-10086智能聊天受熱捧

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
China Mobile's service hotline "10086" has become a hit for its smart replies to various text messages it received from users, Yangtze Evening News reported.If you text a message asking about its age, it will respond with "My age is a secret." If you tell it you have broken up with your beloved, it will comfort you with "Your true happiness may come next second.”...It turned out that all the smart replies were given by a smart robot. It was put into service on Aug. 12, 2011, and is capable of replying about 350,000 text messages.據《揚子晚報》報道,中國移動客服熱線10086因能對用戶短信進行巧妙回復而受到熱捧。如果你發短信問它多大瞭,它會說:“年齡可是秘密呀”。如果你跟它說自己失戀瞭,它就會安慰你說:“也許下一秒,真正的幸福就到來。”……原來,給出這些巧妙答復的是10086 智能客服機器人。2011年8月12日,該機器人正式運營,可以就35萬條不同的短信進行回復。
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