english tutor,中學補習,補習社-Online microresumes are a hit for China's job seekers網絡“微簡歷”,你有嗎?

【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】
近日,“微求職”成為熱門詞匯,微博成瞭很多年輕人求職的新途徑。而一份隻有140字的微簡歷 (microresume)到底能不能吸引HR的目光?用人單位又如何能在茫茫人海中“撈”出自己想要的人才?微求職,究竟是網羅人才,還是隻是一場集體做秀? One hundred and forty words isn`t a lot, but China`s job seekers are cramming an entire career`s worth of experience into a few sentences in order to help them find the perfect job. 盡管140字隻是隻言片語,但為瞭找到一份滿意的工作,中國求職者們把自己的完整履歷都濃縮成短短幾句話。 "Microresumes" have become especially popular this May, as prospective university graduates are getting ready to enter the workforce. Graduate students are particularly likely to post their resumes on their microblogs. 今年五月,“微簡歷”成為大熱門,因為大學應屆畢業生們正準備進軍職場。如今的畢業生們更願意將自己的簡歷放在微博上。 "I am from the city of Qingdao and I am looking for a temporary job to help me get by. I will take my post-graduation examinations next year," wrote a graduate student from Qingdao University in east China`s Shandong Province on weibo.com. 一名來自青島大學的畢業生在自己的新浪微博中寫到:“我來自青島,在找一份臨時工作來補給生活。我明年將會考研。” There were more than 17,000 microresumes posted on weibo.com as of May 13. 截止到5月13日,新浪微博上的微簡歷多達17000多條。 College graduates aren`t the only ones taking to their keyboards to find a new job. China`s gainfully employed are also using microblogs to seek bigger and better opportunities. Ruan Xin, a senior manager with a company in China`s economic hub of Shenzhen, recently posted a microresume in the hopes of finding a better job. 想通過輕敲鍵盤來尋找新工作的人不單單隻是大學畢業生們而已,在職人士也想通過微博來尋求更多更好的工作機會。阮欣(音譯)是深圳一傢公司的高級經理,他近日也在微博上發佈微簡歷,希望能找到份更好的工作。 Ruan was quoted in a Thursday article in the China Youth Daily newspaper as saying that microresumes are an efficient way for both job seekers and employees to achieve their goals. 周四,《中國青年報》在一篇文章裡提到瞭阮欣的話,他表示對於那些想實現目標的求職者與在職人員們來說,微簡歷是一種有效的方式。 Direct and short introductions can quickly spread over the Internet, which helps employers save time when they`re trying to find the right candidates, he said, adding that the speed at which short introductions can spread on the Internet also allows prospective job seekers to make more connections than they would with traditional resumes. 阮欣稱,簡明的介紹能迅速在網上傳播開來,對於用人單位來說,這能在他們尋找合適人選的時候為其節省時間。此外,簡短的個人介紹可以借助網絡迅速傳播,對於潛在求職者來說,與投遞傳統簡歷相比,他們認識更多的相關人士。 Several companies have begun looking at microblogs as an effective channel for recruitment. A recruiter for Alipay, China`s largest third-party online payment service, said that Alipay has been recruiting employees via microblogs since 2009, according to the China Youth Daily article. 一些公司開始把微博作為一個有效的招聘渠道。作為中國最大的第三方支付平臺,支付寶的招聘人員在接受《中國青年報》采訪時表示,支付寶從2009年就開始嘗試在微博上招聘。 The recruiter says that microblogs can "yield twice the result with half the effort" in helping companies to recruit new employees. 該招聘人員還表示,利用微博的傳播效應進行招聘往往會有事半功倍的效果。 However, summing up an entire career in just 140 characters is a challenge for many job hunters. Some of the microresumes posted online seem to be posted just for their humorous content, rather than for the purpose of actually finding a job. 然而,對於很多求職者來說,要在140字以內總結個人全部的履歷實在是一個挑戰。部分網友上傳微簡歷似乎隻是為瞭搞笑,並非確實想以此找到一份工作。 "Some microresumes are more like micronovels, just another instance of online entertainment," says Wang Yan, a college student majoring in journalism at Central China Normal University in Wuhan, the capital city of central China`s Hubei Province. 就讀於華中師范大學新聞專業的王嚴(音譯)說:“一些微簡歷看起來更像‘微小說’,隻是又一場網絡全民狂歡 。” Wang Dong, a human resources director working for an online advertising company, says that he is very cautious when dealing with microresumes. He believes that they aren`t long enough to provide a suitable introduction for employers. 某網絡廣告公司的人力資源總監王棟(音譯)則表示,他本人對微簡歷持謹慎態度。在王棟看來,微簡歷篇幅有限,很難提供吸引用人單位的個人簡介。 "Microresumes aren`t necessarily suitable for every industry," Wang says. "Advertisers and media companies are the most suitable targets for this kind of recruitment." 王棟說:“微博招聘並不適用於所有行業,廣告、傳媒這些行業最適合采用這種招聘方式。” He suggests that good microresumes should be clear and tightly focused, with links to the poster`s personal website, if he or she has one. This can allow employers to understand the candidate more easily, he says. 他建議,一份微簡歷要想獲得青睞,必須簡明扼要、突出重點,如果有的話,可以在微簡歷上附加個人網站的鏈接。這樣一來,應聘者便可以更簡便地瞭解你的信息瞭。
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