english tutor,中學補習,補習社-奧運選手飲食大揭密:運動員吃什麼? |
【英文補習, 補習英文, english tutor, 英文課程, 中學補習, 補習社】 要成為奧運選手,僅僅刻苦訓練是不夠的。要獲得金牌,選手需要特別加強營養攝入。你是否好奇這些精英運動員們是靠吃什麼來保持巔峰狀態的呢? It takes more than just practice to become an Olympian. Gold medal performances require some serious nutrition. Have you ever wondered what these elite athletes eat to stay in peak shape?Keri Glassman, a registered dietitian and founder of Nutritious Life Meals, appeared on "Good Morning America" today to give you a glimpse into the diets of some top athletes. Some of their meals could surprise you. 克裡?格拉斯曼是膳食營養生活組織的創始人和註冊營養學傢,今天,他在“早安美國”節目中讓您一瞥一些頂級運動員的膳食,他們的一些飲食可能會令你驚訝。 Crazy Calorie Count 瘋狂的卡路裡數量 Glassman said Olympians eat a lot of food - quantities that for ordinary people would constitute pigging out. One secret of swimmer Michael Phelps' astonishing performance in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was consuming as many as 12,000 calories in one day. 格拉斯曼說,奧運選手們會吃很多的食物——其分量甚至大於普通人處於極度饑餓狀態的食量。遊泳名將邁克爾?菲爾普斯在2008年北京奧運會驚艷表現的秘訣之一就是,他每天都會消耗高達12000卡路裡的熱量。 Athletes can eat like this and not gain any weight because their workouts are intense. According to Glassman, Phelps' workouts can burn 4,000 to 6,000 calories in a day, and those calories must be replenished in order to train the following day. 運動員高強度的運動量使得他們如此飲食卻不會增加體重。根據格拉斯曼的說法,菲爾普斯每天的訓練會消耗4000到6000卡路裡熱量,而這些消耗掉的熱量必須補回來,以應對第二天的訓練。 Snacking Secrets 秘密零食 Some athletes eat wacky foods that they swear improve their performance. 有些運動員會吃一些他們宣稱能提高成績的古怪食品。 Yohan Blake, the Jamaica sprinter and 100-meter world champion, has been making waves for stealing champion sprinter Usain Bolt's thunder on the track during the Olympic trials. Asked about how he gets his stamina, Blake answered that he eats 16 bananas per day, Glassman said. 牙買加百米世界冠軍約安?佈萊克曾在奧運會測試賽上搶去世界短跑冠軍尤塞恩?博爾特的風頭。格拉斯曼說,當問到他的活力從何而來時,佈萊克回答說他每天都會吃掉16個香蕉。 Jonathan Horton, the lead gymnast on the US team, has a blood sugar problem. His solution is honey. When he starts to feel shaky at the gym, he takes swigs of honey to boost his energy, Glassman said. According to Horton, the sugar rushes to his blood right away and he feels amazing for the next hour or so, she added. 美國體操隊主力隊員喬納森?霍頓的血糖有問題,而他的解決方案是蜂蜜。格拉斯曼說,當霍頓在訓練館感到身體發抖時,就會喝幾口蜂蜜來補充能量。霍頓說,這樣他的血糖很快就上去瞭,在接下來的幾個小時內都會感覺很棒。 Foods for Recovery 康復飲食 What are the best foods to help the body recover after rigorous competition? 在激烈的比賽過後,什麼樣的飲食才能幫助身體盡快恢復狀態? For Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte, the recovery meal is grilled chicken breasts with Alfredo sauce, whole-grain spaghetti and a salad with lemon juice and olive oil. Lochte, who recently cut out junk food, candy and soda, has undertaken a rigorous strength-training regimen that involves flipping tractor tires, dragging shipyard chains and tossing beer kegs, Glassman said. 對奧運遊泳選手瑞安?羅切特而言,恢復餐就是烤雞胸脯肉就阿爾弗雷多醬、全麥意大利面和一份加檸檬汁和橄欖油的沙拉。格拉斯曼說,羅切特最近戒掉瞭垃圾食品、糖果和蘇打汽水,開始瞭一項高強度的力量訓練,其中包括拋拖拉機輪胎,拖船鏈,以及投擲啤酒桶。 Lochte's recovery meal has all the important macronutrients necessary for recovery. 羅切特的恢復餐中包括瞭所有恢復身體狀態所必需的重要常量營養元素。 |
- Dec 03 Mon 2012 20:41