english tutor,中學補習,補習社-Colourful but dangerous 漂亮但危險

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媒體英語會帶大傢一起學習 BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用到的單詞和短語。

稿印度胡裡狂歡節期間已經有近兩百人被送進瞭孟買的醫院。按照當地的習俗,人們在慶祝活動中相互投擲五顏六色的粉彩。不過醫生們懷疑某些粉彩可能含有有毒物質,導致一些人有不不良反應。以下是BBC記者 Rajini Vaidyanathan從孟買發回的報道: Doctors at Mumbai's Sion hospital say dozens of patients arrived at the casualty ward complaining of giddiness, vomiting and headaches. The vast majority were children from one of Mumbai's largest slums, Dharavi. Most are in a stable condition. It's believed they developed a reaction to coloured powders they were throwing. Across the country, millions of people from all walks of life smear and cover themselves from head to toe in bright paints and powders as is custom for Holi. But there has been concern for some time that some of the artificially-produced dyes, which are cheap to buy, contain harmful toxic chemicals which can lead to serious skin and breathing problems. There has been a push in recent years to encourage more revellers to use organic and environmentally-friendly dyes to avoid health risks

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