english tutor,中學補習,補習社-ESPN員工涉嫌對林書豪種族歧視

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ESPN says it fired an employee responsible for an offensive headline referring to Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin.ESPN周日宣佈,由於員工在報道林書豪時,涉嫌使用帶有種族其實詞匯的短語而被開除。

The headline "Chink in the Armor" was used Friday on ESPN's mobile website after Lin had nine turnovers in New York's loss to New Orleans.此前在尼克斯主場負於黃蜂的比賽賽後,ESPN手機版上出現一則報道,標題使用的短語“Chink in the Armor(原意為盔甲的裂縫,但Chink一詞後來成為對黃種人的種族歧視詞匯)”涉嫌種族歧視,ESPN迅速刪除該報道並道歉。

Anchor Max Bretos was suspended for 30 days for using the same phrase.ESPN主持人Max Bretos因在訪談中使用同一短語,被停職30天。

“We again apologize, especially to Mr Lin," it said. "His accomplishments are a source of great pride to the Asian-American community, including the Asian-American employees at ESPN."ESPN就冒犯林書豪一事再次道歉。“我們再次道歉,特別是向林書豪,他取得的成就讓亞裔美國人驕傲,包括我們ESPN的亞裔員工。”

He said: "I don't think it was on purpose or whatever, but they have apologized and so from my end I don't care anymore."Have to learn to forgive and I don't even think that was intentional. Or hopefully not."在今天率隊主場戰勝小牛隊後,林書豪在被問到關於ESPN此次事件時回答說:“ESPN已經道歉瞭,我認為他們不是有意為之。同時他們已經道歉瞭,所以從我的立場我已經不再介意瞭。你必須學會原諒。而且我甚至覺得他們不是故意的,或者說但願不是。”

As the first American-born player of Chinese origin in the NBA, he is enormously popular in the United States and Asia, particularly because he was sleeping on his brother's couch as a penniless unknown before getting his big break at the injury-hit Knicks.作為NBA賽場上第一個華裔球員,林書豪在美國籍亞洲都極其受歡迎,尤其是當眾人知道在林書豪成名的前一宿還借宿在兄弟的沙發上時。

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