english tutor,中學補習,補習社-“帳篷哥”求學記:夜宿清華 旁聽北大

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Starting the day by auditing classes at Peking University (PKU) while ending it sleeping in a tent pitched at Tsinghua University (THU), Zhao Ming (pseudonym), a student from Dongying, Shandong Province, became well known as "Brother Tent" among his more orthodox peers. 白天去北大旁聽,晚上回清華搭帳篷過夜,來自山東東營的大學生趙銘(化名)成瞭周圍同學所熟知的“帳篷哥”。 Zhao, 21, a former computer science and technology major at a Shandong-based university who left it after the first semester due to boredom, came to Beijing to audit classes at PKU in January last year. 21歲的趙銘此前就讀於山東某高校的計算機科技專業。由於覺得所學專業無聊乏味,第一學期結束後,趙銘就主動退學。去年1月份他來到北京,開始其北大旁聽的生活。 No regrets 無怨無悔 Zhao said that he doesn`t regret his decision because he has learned a lot since coming to Beijing. Classes he has attended include computer science, journalism and microeconomics. 趙銘曾表示他並沒有後悔自己當初的決定,因為在北京,他學到很多東西。他旁聽的課程包括計算機科學、新聞學以及微觀經濟學。 He said he has also proven that he survives rough times and has broadened his horizons. 趙銘表示在求學的同時,他也證明瞭自己能夠渡過難關,眼界也隨之變得開闊瞭。 Hardships and setbacks 艱難困苦 In order to earn his living in a strange city, Zhao first worked in a supermarket at PKU selling fruits and spent his spare time attending classes. 為瞭在這個陌生的城市賺足生活費,趙銘起初在北大校內的一傢超市打工賣水果,空閑時間就去旁聽。 Last summer holiday, he became a security guard at THU and got to know many fellow guards, which proved convenient for him when he began sleeping in the tent afterward at the university. After earning some money to support himself, Zhao quit the job and began his "full-time" auditing experience last November. 去年暑假,趙銘換瞭一份在清華大學當保安的工作,結識瞭很多保安朋友,這為他後來變身“帳篷哥”,夜宿清華提供瞭諸多方便。趙銘攢夠瞭錢,就辭去工作,從去年11月開始“全職”旁聽。 Camping out 搭帳篷過夜 He bought a camping tent and a sleeping bag and moved to the corridor of a dormitory building`s top floor at THU. 趙銘買瞭一個帳篷和一個睡袋便搬進瞭清華宿舍樓頂層的過道裡。 Zhao lived in the tent for more than one month before he left for his hometown last week for a reunion with his family during Spring Festival. 趙銘在帳篷裡住瞭一個多月的時間,直到上周他才返程回傢,準備與傢人團聚,共度春節。 But after media reports about him, THU prohibited Zhao from pitching his tent in the dorm and banned it from the security guard room. 但是在媒體對趙銘進行報道後,清華大學就不允許趙銘繼續在宿舍樓道裡搭帳篷過夜瞭,也不讓他把帳篷放在保安室內。 Zhao said friends he made at both universities now keep his belongings. 趙銘表示自己的私人物品現在由一些北大和清華的朋友幫忙保管。 Controversies and worries 爭議與擔憂 Brother Tent`s story has sparked some controversy among students. 帳篷哥的故事在學生中引發熱議。 Some think his decision extreme. "He is risking his future career. Auditing classes doesn`t mean a degree, which is not good for his employment," said Hu Xiuyi, a sophomore majoring in finance at PKU. 一些同學認為他的決定過於極端。北大金融專業大二學生胡秀怡(音譯)說:“他在拿自己的前途作賭註。旁聽是拿不到學位的,不利於他今後的就業。” But many others believe he sets a good example for other students. 但也有很多同學認為他給同學們樹立瞭好榜樣。 "His decision to quit school and come to Beijing alone shows great courage. His strong will in overcoming living difficulties is also worth imitating," said Liu Ting, a senior at Shandong-based China University of Petroleum. 位於山東的中國石油大學(華東)大四學生劉婷(音譯)表示:“他決定退學獨自來京,這一舉動顯示瞭他非凡的勇氣。他克服生活困難的堅強意志也值得效仿。” Yu Shijie, director with the journalism center at THU said that Zhao`s spirit and eagerness to study is worth learning from. However, his accommodation problems should be resolved according to regulations. "Pitching a tent on campus is not a long-term solution. He could apply for help from relevant departments. Our university has not taken effective measures to help him," admitted Yu. 清華大學新聞學中心主任餘詩傑(音譯)表示,趙銘的學習精神和求知欲是值得學習的。不過,他的住宿問題應該按照規定處理。餘詩傑承認:“在校園內搭帳篷過夜不是長久之計,他可以向相關部門申請援助。我校尚未采取有效措施來幫助他。” Success story 成功案例 Some others have achieved success after auditing classes at PKU and THU. Their stories not only made them well known but also promoted the images of the two universities as more accepting of average citizens. 還有一些人通過在北大和清華旁聽,最終獲得瞭成功。他們的經歷不僅使自身一夜成名,同時也使得這兩所大學對普通市民更加開放包容的形象更加深入人心。 "Magic English cook" Zhang Liyong, 36, a former migrant worker from Guangdong Province is an example. “清華英語神廚”,來自廣東的36歲打工仔張立勇便是其中之一。 He taught himself English when he worked as a cook at a cafeteria in THU in 1996. He passed the CET-6 in the end. 自1996年初入清華食堂當廚師時起,他便開始自學英語,並最終通過英語六級考試。
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