english tutor,中學補習,補習社-“迎面相撞”左右為難

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低頭在路上走著,忽然跟對面來的一個人迎面相撞,你往左,他就往右,你往右,他又往左,結果搞的倆人誰也過不去。這樣的情況相信很多人都遇到過吧。你知道嗎?在英語裡,這種情況叫做pedestrian face-off。 Pedestrian face-off is an awkward situation in which two pedestrians, who are on a collision course with each other, are repeatedly unsuccessful in averting one another. As one person moves to their right, the other person moves to their left and vice versa. Each time they attempt a new maneuver, the frustrated pedestrians find themselves confronted by their counterpart. To the casual observer, these two people may appear to be dancing, but in reality, they both just want to get on with their lives. Pedestrian face-off(暫譯為“迎面相撞”)指的是兩個行人迎面相撞,又屢次相互躲閃失敗這樣一個尷尬的情景。兩個人迎面相遇,一個往左走,另一個就偏偏往右走;一個往右瞭,另一個又往左走瞭。每次其中一方想要躲閃對方時卻發現對方又一次出現在自己的面前。在旁觀的人看來,這兩個人好像在跳舞,而其實兩個人都隻是想繼續走自己的路而已。 For example: Randy: I just had a pedestrian face-off that lasted a good 15 seconds. In the end, we came to the mutual agreement that both of us should step to our right. 我剛才跟一個人迎面相撞,來回躲閃瞭大概15秒都不行。最後,我們說好兩個人都往右邊走才解決的。 Dina: Wow, 15 seconds?! That's gotta be a world record or something. 哇,15秒?估計你們都能創世界紀錄瞭吧。
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